Search Results for: opioid

Painkiller Overdoses Kill More People in Tenn. Each Year than Car Accidents or Guns

In Tennesse, overdosing on opioid painkillers has become an epidemic that the state cannot continue to ignore. Deaths from opioid overdoses are now greater than gun deaths and car accidents. As reports: Last year’s total of opioid overdoses was 1,263 up 97 over the total in 2013, according to The Tennessean. Opioids are found in prescription painkillers such as Hydrocodone and Oxycodone, nicknamed “hillbilly heroin.” “It’s an epidemic sweeping across the state, affecting people in both small towns and big circles,” wrote Holly Fletcher in The Tennessean. “I would like to think the rate of increase has slowed, but quite frankly...

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Mass. Police Chief Blasts Pharmaceutical Companies: Ask Why They Are Promoting Drug Addiction

A Massachusetts police chief is calling upon the citizens of his town to reach out to Big Pharma companies and ask them what they plan to do to address the state’s opioid addiction epidemic. Chief Leonard Campanello of the Gloucester Police Department posted on the department’s Facebook page the names and contact information of high-ranking, wealthy executives with large pharmaceutical companies. He asked the department’s 10,000 followers on Facebook to contact these people and ask them about the rampant spread of opioid addiction. “Now . . . don’t get mad,” the post read. “Just politely ask them what they...

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Shut Down the FDA: They are Useless: OxyContin Approved for 5th Graders

This past week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved use of the painkiller OxyContin for children ages 11 to 16, in what is certainly one of the surest signs that the FDA is little more than a rubber stamp for the pharmaceutical industry now. The approval of OxyContin for children flies directly in the face of previous statements from groups like the National Institute on Drug Abuse that OxyContin is addictive. The timing of the FDA’s approval happens to coincide with a national decline of teen drug use. According to NPR, reported use of OxyContin has been...

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Painkiller Drug Companies Are Funding Anti-Marijuana Research

Painkiller-producing drug companies have been paying top, scientific researchers to compile and publish skewed findings that overemphasize the dangers of marijuana, Vice Reported. But should that come as any surprise? Drug companies are powerful and ridiculously rich entities that will stoop to any low level to protect profits. According to Lee Fang, leading companies Purdue Pharma (Oxycontin), Reckitt Benckiser (Nurofen), and Alkermes (Zohydro) are among the main culprits. Dr. Herbert Kleber of Columbia University is a well-known and highly regarding medical researcher who has produced anti-marijuana opinions for many news outlets, and he is paid by these companies to...

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Rick Perry will Protect the Unborn from Abortion, but not from Texas’ Legal System

Earlier this year, after a Texas Court of Appeals upheld the state’s new incredibly strict abortion laws, Gov. Rick Perry released a statement cheering the court’s decision. Perry said it was “good news for Texas women and the unborn,” and that he would “continue to fight for the protection of life and women’s health in Texas.” What Perry should have said is that Texas would continue to prevent women from seeking safe, legal, constitutionally-protected abortions and subject the unborn and their mothers to the state’s legal system. Jessica De Samito is a 30-year-old US military veteran from Shertz, Texas,...

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