Search Results for: opioid

John Oliver Examines “Chemical Cousin” of Heroin: Prescription Painkillers

Though we can usually depend on “Last Week Tonight” for a bit of a dry laugh, what host John Oliver does best is delve into a complex issue, breaking it down for the layman. This week’s edition of “Last Week Tonight” looked at a major issue in America today: Opioid addictions and the heroin addictions they often lead to. Oliver notes that those who are addicted to prescription pain pills become so not just from recreational usage, but from following the prescription given to them by a doctor for a legitimate reason. And once they are addicted, they often...

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Federal Courts Going After Big Pharma For Their Role In Prescription Addictions

A lawsuit has been filed against drug manufacturers over opioid painkillers and it may wind up being the biggest litigation of its kind since Big Tobacco. Since 1999, death caused by the abuse of drugs like Vicodin, Oxycontin and other prescription opioids have numbered over half a million – and lawmakers are doing little to nothing to address the problem while pharmaceutical industry lobbyists have been busy on Capitol Hill. Now, the courts are seeking to hold Big Pharma accountable. On the law enforcement front, the DEA is imposing strict limits on the production of prescription opioids. Meanwhile on the judicial...

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Big Pharma Price Gouging: What’s REALLY Going On

Over the weekend, activists stood outside the offices of Mylan Pharmaceuticals chanting, “Heather Bresch, what do you say? How many kids have you killed today?” while holding up a large piñata in the shape of an EpiPen, filled with gold coins. It was a fitting protest against the company’s steep increase in the price of the life-saving medication, which has gone from $50 to $600 for two doses since 2004 – while CEO Bresch’s annual salary and compensation package went from $2.5 million to $19 million. It’s not just about Mylan and its EpiPen. These kind of predatory, unconscionable...

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Big Pharma Seeks Big Bucks For Heroin Overdose: Massive Price Hikes On Life-Saving Medicine

Amidst a growing opioid epidemic across the nation, big pharma is seeing dollar signs and an opportunity to make big bucks off of a lifesaving medication which saves thousands of lives yearly. Narcan is a drug which has the ability to save the life of an individual who has overdosed on heroin by blocking the effects of the drug immediately after the overdose occurs. In typical greedy pharma style, the company which makes Narcan and it’s generic version Naloxone have massively hiked the prices to capitalize on the growing need. There are five versions of the drug on the...

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