Search Results for: opioid

Trump Administration Bastardizing Progress With Medical Marijuana – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio talks to RT America correspondent, Brigida Santos about the legal obstacles facing California’s new recreational marijuana program. Transcript of the above video: Mike Papantonio: In 2018, Californians is going to be able to legally purchase recreational marijuana. State regulators are now finalizing distribution laws and taking a multi-billion dollar industry from the black market to storefronts. But, with the federal government’s views towards marijuana hanging in the balance, it’s unclear how the Trump administration will treat legalization efforts in California. RT America correspondent Brigida Santos is...

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Sessions Seeking Congressional Permission to Prosecute Legal Medical Marijuana Distributors

On Tuesday, Attorney General Jeff Sessions got to sit in the hot seat and face a bit of what those dragged into the criminal justice system face on a frequent basis. It was a valuable lesson for the Attorney General who is even now seeking special Congressional permission to pursue criminal charges against medical marijuana dispensaries located in legalized states. According to a letter composed in May and made public on Monday, Sessions has implored Congress to allow him special permission in order to undo protections that currently exist for states that have legalized medical marijuana. Sessions is requesting...

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Big Pharma Sees Huge Money As Drug Pushers

Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio & Sam Seder talk about the fight against Big Pharma when it comes to opioids and the tremendous cost associated with these painkillers. Transcript of the above video: Sam: So Pap, we’ve been talking about the opioid addiction epidemic that we have been undergoing in this country now for many years at this point, and it’s only been in the past couple of years I think where there has been an awareness of what was the dynamic that created this widespread addiction, not just for prescription painkillers, but for heroin, which ended up being...

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