Search Results for: Chris Christie

Nearly 80 Percent of New Jersey Residents Can’t Stand Governor Christie

Arguably the only person having a worse year than Donald Trump is his part-time lapdog Chris Christie. The Governor’s already depressing favorability rating in the state has continued to sink in the wake of the revitalizing of the bridgegate scandal. This month, a state survey found that only 21 percent of the state’s residents viewed Christie in a favorable way, down from 26 percent in July.  The humiliating destruction of the New Jersey Governor truly began in 2012 when he knowingly allowed the closure of the George Washington Bridge in New Jersey for a petty political disagreement. At the time,...

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Coward Christie Tries To Minimize His Role in Trump Campaign

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been the election season’s saddest player, doing everything he can to destroy his political future. He has been a devoted servant at the feet of the Donald Trump campaign for as long as possible, standing by uselessly as Trump tore apart his character and assassinated his political future by association. Now, Christie has apparently seen the writing on the wall and intends to distance himself from the campaign he dwelled in for far too long. Speaking to reporters this week, Christie was asked whether or not he is “proud” of the way the Trump...

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Bridgegate Testimony Reveals Hilarious Expletive-Laden Exchange Between Christie and Fellow Official 

We’re all aware of how rough-and-tumble New Jersey Governor Chris Christie can be, but it was all laid out hilariously in a courtroom this week when a fellow elected official was asked to testify about a particularly testy exchange between himself and the Governor after the 2012 disaster Hurricane Sandy. The testimony seemed to come from a fictional comedy film, but as is often the case these days, reality was even stranger than fiction. Delivering testimony on the infamous “Bridgegate” on Wednesday, Monmouth County official John Curley was asked under oath if he had called Christie a “fat fuck.” Curley...

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Hot-Head Gets His Due: Good Chance Christie Will be Impeached Over Bridgegate

In response to confirmation that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie did intentionally cause the traffic snafu known infamously known as “Bridgegate” back in 2013, the loud-mouthed governor may find himself relieved of his duties as officials consider impeachment. Christie has spent far more time running for president and then spinelessly lying on behalf of Donald Trump than he ever spent actually giving a damn about his own constituents. Now, that lack of loyalty to his state is beginning to take hold. The New Jersey Assembly, who are handing the case over Bridgegate, are reportedly looking into the proper next...

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Spineless Dog Christie Says ‘So What?!’ Over Melania Thievery – Says She Only Stole PART Of Michelle’s Speech!

Well, it looks like Chris Christie has decided to stick around the Trump camp a big longer despite his furious reaction to not being chosen as The Donald’s running-mate, and on Tuesday morning, he did his best to defend possible first lady Melania Trump’s blatant plagiarism. While Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort has taken the hard-line stance that Melania didn’t steal a single line from anyone, and that the controversy has been manufactured by the Clinton camp, Christie took a different route. In true New Jersey style, Christie offered up the equivalent of a “so what?!” defense of Mrs....

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