Search Results for: opioid

Communities Were Rampaged By Big Pharma’s Opioid Dump

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via WSRE inStudio: The Opioid Crisis and Our Community Pt. 4 Opioid addiction is a crisis in our community, and it affects many individuals and families throughout the United States as well. On the next edition of inStudio, host Jeff Weeks and his guests will discuss the personal and financial horror this epidemic is placing on our society, as well as the causes, long term burdens, and possible solutions, including the use of the court system to help fight opioid abuse. The panel includes Robert A. Althar, M.D. with the Lakeview...

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McKesson & Cardinal Opioid Distributors Created Drug Zombieland

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Mike Papantonio, host of America’s Lawyer, explains how opioid distributors and pill pushers knew of the drugs’ addictiveness from the very beginning. Transcript of the above video: Natasha Sweatte: The deaths among opioid users continues to climb and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the latest numbers are from 2015, and revealed more than 33,000 deaths occurred from the use of opioids. Officials say they believe the numbers have dramatically risen since then and now some states are fighting back at the drug companies, who they say misled...

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OPIOIDS: Big Pharma And The Feds Create A New Trail Of Tears For Native Americans – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio talks about the oppression of Native Americans in the United States with attorney, Peter Mougey. Transcript of the above video: Papantonio: Most people in the United States tend to believe that we’re ahead of the rest of the world when it comes to the rights of our citizens. We criticize and publicly admonish other countries when they violate the civil rights of their people, but we often turn a blind eye to the abuses carried out in our own soil. There is no shortage of oppressed...

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Benefits of Legalized Cannabis: Lower Crime Rates and Reduced Opioid Abuse

While U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions and other conservative elements in government rant about the “evils of pot” and threaten to roll back legislation legalizing the sale of marijuana, states that have chosen to legalize the so-called “demon weed” for both medical and recreational use are seeing two significant benefits. One is a reduction in violent crime. Recent studies show that a well-regulated cannabis industry actually decreases crime rates by putting illegal narcotics dealers and their cartels out of business (a lesson that should have been learned 90 years ago from the fiasco of the Volstead Act). However, there has...

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Opioid Distributors Like McKesson Are At The Heart Of The Opioid Catastrophe – Redacted Tonight

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via Rt America: Mike Papantonio, host of America’s Lawyer, joins Lee Camp to discuss the opioid crisis in America and how it’s largely manufactured by pharma corporations for profit. Transcript of the above video: Lee Camp: You’re currently dealing with major cases revolving around the opioid crisis. Last year more Americans died from opioids or overdosing in general than US soldiers died during the entire Vietnam War, which also ironically involved a lot of heroin. But you say there’s a lot of blame here for the opioid producers and the distributors....

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