Search Results for: Chris Christie

GOP Continues Their Hate on Women; Christie Leads the Fight to Destroy Planned Parenthood

During a presidential campaign stop, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) said that he would completely defund Planned Parenthood if elected president, reported Crooks and Liars. Planned Parenthood has become the latest GOP target as the campaign season begins to take off. “Now, with the most recent revelation, there’s even more reason not to fund Planned Parenthood,” said Christie, referring to a recently released undercover video showing a Planned Parenthood official discussing the disposal of aborted fetuses. “I’ve vetoed funding for Planned Parenthood and if I were president of the United States I would do exactly the same thing.”...

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It’s Official. Christie Will Run for Prez, GOP Race is a Comic Tragedy

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) officially announced his candidacy for President of the United States, bringing the number of GOP candidates to 14, reported the Huffington Post. “I am now ready to fight for the people of the United States of America,” said Christie during his announcement. “Both parties have failed our country . . . both parties have led us to believe that America, a country that was built on compromise — that compromise is somehow a dirty word.” Christie is an obnoxious Republican and political bully who has been implicated multiple times as being the mastermind...

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Christie to Announce Candidacy; Depressing Prez Race, or GOP Cash Grab?

The Republican presidential race looks like a jumbled, hilarious mess. As more Republicans join, the race is getting sad, the latest being New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie. The Huffington Post reported that a source close to Gov. Christie said the governor will officially announce his candidacy on Tuesday. Once Christie makes the announcement, that will make 14 Republicans seeking the nomination. Meanwhile, the Democratic race only has four official candidates. The HuffPo reported that Christie has been testing the presidential waters in Iowa and New Hampshire. Apparently it went well enough for him to seriously consider throwing his hat...

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Did Christie Really Say that College Girls Can Sell Themselves to Pay Tuition?

The headline of an article on the political news website features the following quote, attributed to New Jersey governor and one-time presidential hopeful Chris Christie: “College Girls Can Sell Themselves To Pay Tuition.” Our readers know all too well that today’s  Republican Party  is a “clown car.” The passengers include (among other types), misogynists, Mussolini-type corporatists, theocrats, psychotics and a wide range of delusional individuals. Christie certainly fits in with this crowd, but did he really suggest that young women prostitute themselves in order to finance their college education? Not exactly. It depends on one’s definition of “prostitution.”...

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