Search Results for: Chris Christie

Chris Christie Says Fact-Checkers Have an Agenda – Sure, You Can Call THE TRUTH An Agenda, Buffoon

In his spineless and unceasing defense of Donald Trump, possibly-impeach-impending Chris Christie defended Trump’s call for no fact-checking at the debate, arguing that fact checkers might have a secret agenda. I’m not sure what these conservatives don’t get on this subject – facts are facts – they’re either true, or they’re no longer facts. How is this negotiable? Said Christie, “If we’re gonna rely all the time on the fact-checkers, who also have an agenda, then we can discuss that as well.” Okay, Governor, if we aren’t going to rely on givers of facts to give us facts, what...

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Feds Reveal Chris Christie Knew All About “Bridgegate” After All

Do you remember about three years ago (Monday morning, September 9th 2013, to be exact), when suddenly, three lanes of the George Washington Bridge – the busiest motor vehicle bridge on the planet – were suddenly and unexpectedly closed during the busiest commuting time of day? Hopefully you weren’t there trying to get to work, school, or an appointment on time – or heavens forbid, had a medical emergency. That event, unscheduled and unannounced, threw the entire metro area into chaos for days, and put people’s lives in jeopardy. In one case, paramedics finally had to abandon their ambulance and...

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Chris Christie Goose Steps in Line: Rejects Bill to Auto-Register Voters

Does anyone remember a time when some considered New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to be a kind of cool Republican? The kind who didn’t always stick to the establishment B.S. despite his anti-liberal views? Well that guy is clearly dead and gone in the wake of the Trump campaign, and what he has left behind is a humorless husk of hatred, intent on carrying out the most vindictive policies possible. This reality was brought to the forefront this week when the Governor struck down a bill which would have automated the process of registering voters by automatically registering voters...

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