Search Results for: Chris Christie

Millionaires Wasting Money On Second String GOP Wannabes

The Republican Party is in serious trouble.  Not only has their Donald Trump monster become an almost unstoppable force of racism, but now a strong majority of the party’s puppet candidates are facing dire financial situations that could leave no other choice than Trump. Just last week, Rick Perry was forced to stop paying his campaign staff in Iowa, causing his Iowa campaign manager to abandon ship and join the Donald Trump camp.  Perry had previously suspended payments to his staff in South Carolina, but now that he’s unable to pay his staff in the state that is holding...

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This Goblin Who Should Be Wearing a GPS Ankle Bracelet Wants to Track Immigrants Like Mail Packages

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie (R) unveiled his proposal to deal with immigration, reported the Huffington Post. He wants to track undocumented immigrants like a FedEx package. “So here’s what I’m gonna do if I’m president,” said Christie. “I’m gonna ask Fred Smith, the founder of FedEx, come work with the government for three months. Just come for three months to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and show these people.” “We need to have a system that tracks you from the moment you come in,” he added. “And then when your time is up . . . then we get...

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Two of the GOP’s Most Irrelevant Punk Prez Candidates Attack Carter

Republican presidential candidates Chris Christie and Ted Cruz continued their mindless assault on former President Jimmy Carter to appease their respective voter base, reported Talking Points Memo. Christie said Carter was a “weak” president and that Obama “makes Jimmy Carter look strong.” Cruz continued with his comparison of the Obama and Carter administrations. Each have the “same failed domestic policies, same misery, stagnation and malaise, same feckless and naive foreign policy,” said Cruz.   These two men couldn’t be more off the mark. Carter has more in his life than either of these two Republican schlubs. Carter’s philanthropic work...

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Without Exception All Repug Prez Candidates Seem to Hate Teachers: Wonder Why?

Republican presidential candidates Chris Christie, Ted Cruz, and Scott Walker all hate teachers and teachers’ unions. Now, Ohio Gov. John Kasich (R) has joined the anti-teacher fold, reported RawStory. Granted, Kasich isn’t as insane as his fellow Republicans, but he’s still in the ballpark. Speaking about teachers, Kasich said “If I were, not president, if I were king in America, I would abolish all teachers’ lounges where they sit together and worry about ‘woe is me.’” Kasich would rather them feel like that at home after he fires them all and privatizes education. The Republican anti-teacher mission reemerged in...

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Forget the Polls: Vegas Has Officially Set the Betting Odds for the GOP Nomination

Forty year veteran, Las Vegas bookmaker, Jimmy Vaccaro has released his odds on who will win the GOP nomination. Here they are: Jeb Bush — 2/1 Scott Walker — 3/1 John Kasich — 7/1 Mike Huckabee — 12/1 Marco Rubio — 20/1 Chris Christie — 20/1 Donald Trump — 20/1 Bobby Jindal — 30/1 Ben Carson — 30/1 Ted Cruz — 30/1 Rand Paul — 30/1 Lindsey Graham — 50/1 Rick Santorum — 50/1 Rick Perry — 75/1 George Pataki — 100/1 Carly Fiorina — 100/1 Jim Gilmore — 250/1 Mark Everson — 500/1 For more on this story, visit Find...

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