Search Results for: Ferguson Missouri

Dear Fox News, A Conservative Black Commentator Does Not Discredit Ferguson’s Race Issues

In the heat of controversy surrounding the events in Ferguson, MO, conservatives and Fox News types have been concocting several angles in attempts to discredit and minimize the racial issues at hand. Yesterday, Elisabeth Hasselbeck and fellow Fox cronies brought in Kevin Jackson, spokesman of “The Black Sphere,” an ultra-conservative black subsect of the Liberty Alliance. Crooks and Liars reported that Fox and Friends brought in Jackson to say that country’s leaders of the black community are just making things worse and more turbulent in Ferguson. Regarding Rev. Al Sharpton’s address, Jackson said that Sharpton was only brought in...

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Supporters Hold Rally for Ferguson Officer who Killed Unarmed Teen

On Sunday, supporters of Darren Wilson, the white, Ferguson, Missouri police officer who shot and killed an unarmed African-American teenager last weekend, protested in front of KSDK, a St. Louis-based television station. The protesters, who organized the event via Facebook, chose to stand in front of KSDK because the station had aired footage of Wilson’s home, which the group said showed the media’s bias towards Mike Brown, the teenager who was killed, and his supporters. The station has since removed the footage and issued an apology to their “audience, to the surrounding neighborhoods, to the greater St. Louis community...

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Papantonio: Ferguson Displays New Militarized Police Culture (VIDEO)

While the atmosphere in Ferguson, Missouri is thankfully appearing to calm, the events that transpired throughout this week show us exactly why such tools of war do not belong in the hands of untrained, trigger happy police. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio appears on MSNBC’s The Ed Show to discuss this. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire on Saturdays from 3pm-6pm Eastern! Listen live via the Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. Or find a station here. Watch Ring of Fire every Sunday at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific on Free Speech...

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Police Militarization Just Made Matters Worse in Ferguson, and There’s Proof

When peaceful protesters took to the streets in Ferguson, the local police answered with military tactics, vehicles, and weapons. The mood changed in Ferguson, however, when St. Louis city took over to actually police and tend to the community, rather than to further displace it. Ferguson just proved that police militarization is a useless waste. Massive media coverage in Ferguson showed Ferguson police and St. Louis County sheriffs dispersing and intimidating crowds with an array of military hardware: assault rifles, 60 CAL. stinger rubber rounds, wooden bullets, heavily-armored urban assault vehicles, all the way down to military-style, camouflage fatigues....

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GOP Congressman’s Racist Remarks: Ferguson Protesters ‘All Seem to Be of a Single, Continental Origin’

Earlier this week, Rep. Steve King (R-IA) went on Newsmax TV, where he was asked about the current situation in Ferguson, Missouri and the Congressional Black Caucus raising concerns about racial profiling there. King responded by saying that you didn’t need to bother racial profiling because “they all seem to be of a single, you know, of a single origin, I should say, a continental origin might be the way to phrase that.” King then said that “they” had a hypersensitivity towards race-based politics, which he, of course, rejects. Watch King’s full...

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