Search Results for: Chris Christie

Teacher-Puncher Chris Christie Wants to Bring Back Stop-and-Frisk

Republican presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said he would bring back the controversial stop-and-frisk policy because he doesn’t feel safe in New York City. “Stop-and-frisk would be back in about five minutes,” Christie said. “We would empower the police and not undercut them. If police officers step over the line, they deserve to be taken care and prosecuted, but this guy, this Mayor presumes guilt on the part of the police officer before anything happens.” He obviously forgot that the stop-and-frisk policy nets hardly any arrests. Also, the top 10 American cities with the highest murder rate...

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Chris Christie Wants To Track Immigrants Like Fed-Ex Packages

Last weekend, Chris Christie laid out his plan on how to deal with undocumented immigrants in the United States. Does Christie really believe should lojack every immigrant that comes into the United States? He either believes that we should tattoo bar codes onto immigrants so that they can be scanned and tracked, or that we should somehow embed GPS trackers into immigrants. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire on Saturdays from 3pm-6pm Eastern! Listen live via the Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. Watch...

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Anti-Chris Christie PAC Shuts Down Because Christie Self-Destructed Without Their Help

A group formed for the sole purpose of preventing Chris Christie from being elected announced on Facebook that it intends to end as the Republican candidate has self-destructed. On the Stop Chris Christie Facebook Page, the group’s treasurer Tom Bjorklund wrote about the group’s relationship to Christie. After explaining that the group had formed before Christie officially announced his candidacy and was not affiliated with the candidate, Bjorklund explained that the group was ending its efforts. “Having clarified our intent when we established the Stop Chris Christie PAC, the point is rather moot, since we have every intention of...

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Chris Christie: “Best Thing for Education Would Be to do Away with the Teachers Unions”

New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate, Chris Christie, stood by his hate of teachers unions, reported CBS News. He famously stated that the unions should be “punched in the face”, and he has doubled down on that sentiment by saying the eradication of them would be “nirvana.” A pending case in the Supreme Court could make teachers’ unions “largely go away,” said Christie at an education summit in New Hampshire. “That would be a good thing for education in this country, no doubt,” he added. Earlier this month, Gov. Christie said that teachers’ unions deserve a “political punch...

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Chris Christie Is A Jerk — And The Public Despises Him

If Chris Christie is serious about his bid for president, then he has to do something about his public image. And no, we’re not talking about his appearance. We’re talking about the public’s perception that the New Jersey governor is too much of a bully to ever be president. According to the latest polls, 54% of New Jersey voters see Christie as “not presidential” in the way he conducts himself, 58% described him as “arrogant,” 52% say he’s “self-centered,” and 49% describe him as a bully. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing...

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