Search Results for: Chris Christie

Chris Christie Flips Out At A Baseball Game While Successfully Protecting His Nachos – Majority Report

Majority Report Contributor Michael Brooks is hosting the show for Sam Seder today. In this clip, we watch Chris Christie, who is still the governor of New Jersey despite the fact that everyone hates him and he went to the beach that one time he shut down all the beaches and Dog the Bounty Hunter is apparently suing him, confront a guy who was heckling him at a baseball...

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Chris Christie Shuts Down New Jersey’s Beaches To Everyone But His Own Family

As part of an ongoing budget showdown, the government in New Jersey has officially shut down, which includes all state-owned properties like the beach.  But that didn’t stop Chris Christie and his family from enjoying a nice, quiet day at one of those shut down beaches that are off limits to the public. The man has clearly just stopped caring about anything at this point. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.  Transcript:   This past Fourth of July weekend as millions of American citizens decided to go on a very long vacation in anticipation for the Fourth of July...

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Chris Christie Responds to 15% Approval Rating: “I Don’t Care”

In Chris Christie’s world, it matters not if fewer than 2 in 10 of your constituents actually like the job you are doing as Governor. All that really matters is that Donald Trump is still your buddy. On Tuesday, Christie was asked to respond to recent polling which indicated as few as 15% of residents of New Jersey where he serves as governor actually approve of the job he’s doing. Apparently unfazed by the abysmal number, Christie coolly responded, “I don’t care.” According to the Governor, he could care less about what his constituents think of the job he...

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