Search Results for: opioid

Big Profits, Huge Risks: America’s Opioid Addiction

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 91 Americans die every day from overdosing on opioids in the form of prescription drugs or drugs like heroin. Now opioid painkillers are becoming one of America’s people killers. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio & Sam Seder discuss this topic. Transcription of the above video: Sam: Pap, when we broke you were telling us about this case that you have settled now with DuPont about, over the issue of C8 and the sickening of hundreds, if not thousands of people in the Ohio Valley. I want to ask you less specific to...

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Deaths From Opioid Overdose Cause Morgues to Overflow While Big Pharma Profits

It almost seems like a conspiracy; Big pharmaceutical companies continue to dump highly addictive opioid pain killers on to the market, enabling an addiction epidemic that is reaching crisis levels. As they export this epidemic abroad, they conspire to make treatments unavailable by raising prices to unaffordable levels – making certain that they continue to profit from the sickness and suffering of others. One of the tragic results of this disease-driven industry and its ongoing quest to maximize revenues at the cost of human life is that death rates from overdoses are skyrocketing – and county morgues are running...

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Profiting on Addiction and Death: Kaleo Pharma Raises Price of Opioid Antidote Over 500% 

It is the same story we have been hearing over and over and over again for the past several years: Big Pharma develops a life-saving treatment for a serious condition, then the company that manufactures it raises the price to astronomical, unaffordable levels. In many cases, it’s even more egregious: the industry creates a problem, then cleans up by selling a treatment for that very problem. Case in point: opioid addiction. This is a crisis, and if the pharmaceutical industry didn’t create it, it’s certainly enabling it. They’re also playing both sides. Virginia drug company Kaleo Pharma manufactures a...

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Big Pharma Taking Opioids Global to Gain New Addicts & Big Profits

Now that Big Pharma has had its way with the average American consumer, pumping the population with as much addictive painkillers and other substances as possible, they have set their sights on the global market. For makers of opioids, the U.S. market was a gold rush in the beginning – a major market with oodles of reasons to need to take pain medicine. At first, things seemed great: consumers were able to find relief from pain, pharmacists began handing stuff out by the handful, and the hands pulling the strings began to pocket wads and wads of cash. But...

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Anything to Make a Buck – Big Pharma Dumps 780 Million Opioid Painkillers Into a Region With The Highest Overdose Rate in the Country

Last week, Drug Safety News brought you a story about the growing opioid epidemic in the U.S. and how rural regions of the country have been the most affected. This was according to a report by the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office that was released earlier this year. Now, an investigative report by the Charleston (West Virginia) Gazette-Mail pinpoints and highlights that addiction crisis. It turns out that some major drug companies have been flooding rural West Virginia with prescription painkillers that include oxycodone and hydrocodone – where the addiction and death rate from overdoses are among the highest in...

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