Search Results for: opioid

Big Pharma LOVES The Opioid Epidemic – Redacted Tonight

With marijuana illegal and DEA’s attempts to make alternative pain meds like cbd hemp oil Schedule I, Big Pharma has only reaped the benefits. But when the DEA threatened that cushy relationship by expanding its war on drugs to fight opioid drugmakers, Big Pharma’s kid gloves came off. Despite the tens of thousands of U.S. opioid overdose deaths a year, pharma companies used their money and influence to disarm the DEA’s best tools against keeping opioids like oxycodone off the black market. Natalie McGill covers this fight of evil versus a better funded evil with stock...

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Opioids and Crack: The Tale of Two Addiction Crises & Race in America

Today, opioid abuse is considered one of the most serious addiction crises society faces. However, thirty years ago, the addiction crisis was all about a different drug: a highly-addictive form of cocaine, known as crack. What is telling about American society is the stark difference in how the media, policymakers and law enforcement agencies have responded to these two different addiction crises. Opioid addiction is being acknowledged (and rightly so) as a disease that calls for treatment and compassion. On the other hand, crack addiction has been treated as a moral failing that requires severe and draconian punishment. Last...

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Trump Taking Credit for Opioid Treatment Investment Put In Place By Obama

There are two things you can count on from Donald Trump: (1) virtually everything he says is either a flat-out lie or an exaggeration, and (2) he will always take credit for someone else’s achievements. Case in point: Trump’s “promise” to “expand treatment for those who have become so badly addicted” to opioids. Since announcing his run for the White House, Trump has made over 100 “promises” – only five of which have been kept, and only one of which was of any possible benefit to the working people of this country – which was pulling the U.S. out...

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Big Pharma’s Big Secret: Study Finds Legal Weed Reduces Rate of Opioid Overdose

There is a reason for hope in the ongoing tragedy of America’s growing opioid crisis – and that is medical marijuana. According to a study coming out in the April issue of the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, hospital admissions for opioid addiction and emergency room visits for opioid overdose have dropped significantly in states that have legalized the sale of medical cannabis. On the other hand, fears that marijuana users would start entering hospitals and treatment centers en masse have failed to materialize. The study was conducted and written up by Dr. Yuyan Shi, a professor of public...

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