Search Results for: Ferguson Missouri

Papantonio: Did Darren Wilson Get Away With Murder? (VIDEO)

America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, appears on MSNBC’s The Ed Show alongside Brown family attorney Daryl Parks to discuss grand jury decision on the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire on Saturdays from 3pm-6pm Eastern! Listen live via the Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. Or find a station here. Watch Ring of Fire every Sunday at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific on Free Speech...

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Keene State Riots are the Epitome of White Privilege

Last weekend, parties at Keene State College in Keene, New Hampshire turned violent, with rioters turning over and destroying cars, the Associated Press reported. Police in riot gear showed up and began using tear gas in attempts to control the crowds. The parties coincided with the city’s annual Pumpkin Festival, during which the city attempts to set a world record for the most carved and lighted jack-o-lanterns in one location. “It got way out of hand,” said student body Vice President Mallory Pearce, who said she saw cars being flipped and destroyed. “I honestly did not feel safe.” The...

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Far Right Groups Pose Serious Security Threats (VIDEO)

This segment originally aired on the September 7th, 2014 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. If you’ve spent any time listening to right wing hate talkers, you might think that the biggest threat to American citizens would be illegal immigrants or the protestors in Ferguson, Missouri. But according to the FBI, the biggest threat to Americans actually comes from the right in the form of the Sovereign Citizens movement. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins talks about this with attorney Howard Nations. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire...

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Video: Texas Schools Arming Campus Cops with Surplus Military Weapons

After the recent events in Ferguson, Missouri, national attention was given to the program which allows police forces to purchase surplus military equipment like armored vehicles, assault rifles, and helicopters. An investigation by KHOU-TV out of Houston, shows that Texas school districts have also been taking advantage of this program. The report shows that districts across the state have stocked up on M-16s, M-14s, automatic pistols, tactical vests, and armored military vehicles. Watch the entire report from...

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UN to US: Stop Police Brutality

Last Friday, the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) called upon the United States to end its problems with excessive police force and racial discrimination, reported Reuters. “Racial and ethnic discrimination remains a serious and persistent problem in all areas of life from de facto school segregation, access to health care and housing,” said Noureddine Amir, CERD committee vice chairman. The recommendation comes on the heels of the shooting of 18 year-old Michael Brown, whose death by cop prompted an eruption of protests and riots in Ferguson, Missouri, where the shooting took place, as well as...

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