Search Results for: Ferguson Missouri

American Press Drops to 49th in Free Press Status Rankings

Reporters without Borders (ROWB) released their 2015 World Press Freedom Index report, and the United States fell to 49th out of 180, down from 32nd in from just two years ago. According to RWOB, “In the United States, 2014 was marked by judicial harassment of New York Times investigative reporter James Risen in connection with the trial of Jeffrey Sterling, a former CIA officer charged under the Espionage Act with giving him classified information. US journalists are still not protected by a federal shield law that would guarantee their right to not name their sources or reveal other confidential...

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Nashville Police Chief Defends Protesters and Police in Amazing Response to Critics

Tensions between police departments and those they have sworn to protect have risen across the country recently, not just in New York City and Ferguson, Missouri. Protests over the lack of justice in the Eric Garner and Michael Brown cases have been taking place in numerous cities, including Nashville, Tennessee. The protests there were large, at one point even blocking part of the interstate, but were overwhelmingly peaceful and nonviolent. That protesters were mostly allowed to carry out their acts of civil disobedience without retaliation from police drew criticism from at least one of the city’s pro-police resident. “Instead...

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The Culture of Cruelty is International: From Lynchings to Eric Garner and the CIA Torture Report

Reposted with permission from In its deranged madness to prevent a second 9/11 attack on “the homeland”, the United States tortured and brutalized suspected “terrorists” with drownings, beatings, forcing food through their anuses, handcuffing people with broken legs to the ceiling, parading them around naked, threatening to sexually assault their mothers and families, exposing them to extreme temperatures, and sensory deprivation. This is a sterile bullet point-like summary–the irony of that office speak MBA language is fitting and unintentionally macabre and darkly humorous–of the tortures that the CIA will publicly admit to having committed; the real horrors are likely far worse, hiding behind...

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PoPos Kill Again: The Newest Killing in Phoenix

Yet another unarmed black man has been killed by police officers. Rumain Brisbon, 34, was shot and killed during a struggle with a Phoenix police officer, Reuters reported. Brisbon was sitting in a black SUV in a convenience store parking lot, when two witnesses told the officer that people inside the car were selling drugs. Phoenix Police said in a statement that the officer called for backup, and then thought he saw Brisbon move something from the backseat of the car. The statement said that the officer gave Brisbon several orders to show his hands, and that Brisbon then...

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Papantonio: Darren Wilson’s PR Charm Offensive (VIDEO)

America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, appears on MSNBC’s The Ed Show to discuss the ongoing saga in Ferguson, Missouri, including Darren Wilson’s lackluster and insincere media offensive. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire on Saturdays from 3pm-6pm Eastern! Listen live via the Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. Or find a station here. Watch Ring of Fire every Sunday at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific on Free Speech...

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