Search Results for: Ferguson Missouri

Former Baltimore Cop Exposes the Police Force and State Prosecutor as Corrupt and Criminals

Former Baltimore police officer Michael Wood appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast and lambasted crooked cops and Missouri prosecutor Robert McCulloch, who led the investigation of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson last year. Wood accused McCulloch of being corrupt and leading a cover-up in the investigation. “He’s a criminal,” Wood said of McCulloch. “He criminally covered up that indictment. There’s no way around it. That’s what they did and no one seemed to care.” Wood explained to Rogan that many prosecutors cherry-pick the evidence that increases the likelihood of getting an indictment. “So the way that system actually...

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Cops Lock Their Newly-Elected Black Mayor Out of Their City Hall

Betty McCray is the newly-elected African American mayor of Kinloch, Missouri, a suburb in between St. Louis and Ferguson. Her election has been met with controversy. First, white police officers in Parma, MO resigned in protest of McCray’s election. Now, she’s being physically prevented from entering city hall. According to Crooks and Liars: After the election results were certified earlier this week by the St. Louis County Board of Elections, Kinloch’s outgoing administration refused to allow the city clerk to give McCray the oath of office, claiming voter fraud. “Today is the first day that that the city hall...

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Papantonio: Still No Action on Police Brutality

The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri brought police brutality to the national stage, but in the months since the shooting, there has been very little action to prevent another tragedy. In fact, we’ve only seen more deaths. America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, talks about the growing problem with attorney Howard Nations. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire on Saturdays from 3pm-6pm Eastern! Listen live via the Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. Watch Ring of Fire every Sunday at 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific on Free Speech...

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TYT: Dick Cheney told Playboy that Obama Plays the Race Card to Avoid Criticism

In an interview with Playboy, former Vice President Dick Cheney said that President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are hiding behind their race to avoid criticism over the current administration. He also called the Obama administration’s response to the events in Ferguson, Missouri disturbing. Watch The Young Turks’ Cenk Uygur discuss the interview and Cheney’s comments about President Obama and...

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Rush Limbaugh Compares Netanyahu Tensions to Racial Murders

Conservative radio personality Rush Limbaugh chimed in on the tensions between the White House and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reported The Huffington Post. “You look at how Obama has treated and does treat Netanyahu, you would think that Netanyahu was a white policeman from Ferguson, Missouri,” said Limbaugh. “I mean, that’s the conclusion that you would come to. Or that he was one of the cops that choked Eric Garner, or he was one of the jurors in the Trayvon Martin case.” “I find it despicable what this regime is trying to do with Netanyahu. But it makes...

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