Search Results for: Ferguson Missouri

Judge Issues Restraining Order for Mall Against BLM – Protest Going Forward Anyway

Corporate attorneys for the nation’s largest shopping mall got Judge Karen Janisch to grant them a restraining order, barring leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement from organizing and attending a protest scheduled for today on one of the busiest shopping days of the year. The restraining order, however, only applies to three organizers. The rest of the protesters are showing up and the protest is going forward. In her ruling, Judge Janisch admitted that legally, her hands were tied: The Court does not have a sufficient basis to issue an injunction as to Black Lives Matters or to...

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Have The Police Declared War on the Public? Maybe Not, But That’s The Perception

Most municipal law enforcement officers are dedicated professionals who take their oath “To Serve and Protect” quite seriously. However, because of a number of highly visible, public incidents over the past few years involving a few “bad apples,” the general public now feels – quite understandably – that the entire police profession has declared all-out war on the very people they’re supposed to be serving and protecting. It should be noted that police brutality is hardly a new phenomenon. The term was first used in a Chicago Tribune story dated October 12th, 1873, reporting on an incident in which...

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Racist Goblin Hoods That KKK Hides Under Will Be Removed by Anonymous: Identities to be Revealed

The hacktivist collective known as Anonymous has vowed to leak the identities of more than 1,000 members of the Ku Klux Klan. This is scheduled to occur on the one-year anniversary of the Ferguson protests. We’ve gained access to yet another KKK Twitter account. Using the info obtained, we will be revealing about 1000 klan member identities. — Operation KKK (@Operation_KKK) October 22, 2015 Anonymous launched Operation KKK, or #OpKKK, after a KKK chapter threatened violence against people who protested the killing of Michael Brown Ferguson, Missouri. The group published a press release this week. BREAKING: Official #OpKKK #HoodsOff...

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Why Do We Let Fox News Incite So Much Racial Hatred?

We just passed the one year anniversary of the murder of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. In the year since, the conservative media has been drumming up fears about angry, vengeful African Americans looking to make trouble; but the truth is that African Americans are simply wanting to bring attention to an issue that has been ignored by the corporate media for far too long. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this with political analyst Chauncey DeVega. Read Chauncey’s article here. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire on Saturdays from...

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Will Police Body Cams Save Lives? Or Is It Just A Pipe Dream?

Last week marked one year since Michael Brown was gunned down by a trigger happy police officer on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri. This incident put police brutality in the spotlight, but unfortunately, the problem has only grown worse in the last year. America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, talks about how bad the problem has gotten with attorney Aaron Watson. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire on Saturdays from 3pm-6pm Eastern! Listen live via the Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. Watch Ring of Fire every weekday at 8:30pm EST on Free...

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