Search Results for: opioid

Dem Senator McCaskill Instigates Probe Into Big Pharma’s Marketing Practices

Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill is likely to become an enemy of the Big Pharma industry this week as she launches a probe into the way the massive pharmaceutical industry markets its drugs to the general population. McCaskill’s probe will focus foremost on major players Purdue Pharma and Johnson & Johnson, but will also make contact with other major pharmaceutical companies to examine their sales practices. Another notable company McCaskill’s probe has contacted is Insys Therapeutics, a company that we covered this week who aggressively lobbied against the legalization of medical marijuana, then quickly released their own synthetic marijuana. While...

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Big Pharma Co. Lobbies Against Legal Weed – So It Could Market Its Own Synthetic Version

Last year, backers of an Arizona initiative to legalize recreational marijuana ran into stiff resistance from a large pharmaceutical company. Opponents of Proposition 205 got a huge boost from drug company Insys Therapeutics in the form of a $500,000 donation. At the time, an Insys spokesperson said the company was opposing legalization because “it fails to protect the safety of Arizona’s citizens, and particularly its children.” However, the real reason, which was made official last week, was because Insys didn’t want competition. Insys’ new synthetic marijuana drug, Syndros, was given a green light by the FDA, as well as  preliminary approval...

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New GOP Health Care Tactic – Let Drug Addicts Die

Roger Winemiller lost two of his three children to drug overdoses in 2016, while his third child is currently battling substance abuse. Ohio TV station WCPO and even The New York Times recently reported on the Winemiller family and how they are dealing with these horrors of drug addiction. Since receiving national attention, the Winemillers have heard from people around the country offering their support and sending messages of positivity. Then something despicable happened. Roger received a letter in the mail, marked with a return address of a condo complex owned by the Trump Group and signed, “Make America Great Again.” The...

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Tulsi Gabbard Proposes Bill To Decriminalize Marijuana

Hawaiian Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard proposed a bill in late February that, if passed, would decriminalize marijuana at the federal level, releasing the Department of Justices’ hold on the drug and the states that have legalized it. Controversial progressive Tulsi Gabbard has proposed several bold bills in recent months, the most recent of which is this bill, which she proposed in a bipartisan move with Congressman Scott Taylor of Virgnina. Co-signing H.R. 1227 “The Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act,” Gabbard and Republican Taylor indicate that the removal of taboo and harsh penalties on marijuana consumption and production is no longer a strictly...

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Democrats Waste Their Time With Legislation Against “Fake News”

In the same week that we learned that 24 million people would lose their health insurance coverage over Trumpcare, and in the same week that Donald Trump’s new travel ban was set to be implemented, Democrats in Congress decided to spend their time proposing a bill which, if passed, would help fight the war against fake news and alternative facts. Ring of Fire’s Sydney Robinson discusses this. Transcript of the above video: While those buzzwords have been so misused so often that they no longer have any meaning at all, Congressman Adriano Espaillat of New York proposed that Congress...

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