Search Results for: opioid

Drug linked to HIV Outbreak will Likely Stay on the Market

The risk associated with abusing Opana ER is greater than its benefits as a painkiller, according to a panel of experts at a joint FDA committee meeting. A press release from Endo, the manufacturer of Opana detailed the ruling: “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Drug Safety Risk Management and Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committees voted 18 to eight, with one abstention, that the benefits of reformulated OPANA® ER (oxymorphone hydrochloride extended release) no longer outweigh its risks. While several of the Advisory Committee members acknowledged the role of OPANA® ER in clinical practice, others believed its...

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Jeff Sessions Suggests Pot Users “Slightly Less Awful” Than Heroin Addicts

During a speech this week, Attorney General Jeff Sessions made the claim that marijuana is only “slightly less awful” than heroin, attacking people who choose to use the drug recreationally or for medicinal purposes.  Remember, this is a man who once said that he liked the KKK before he learned they smoked pot. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.   Transcript of the above video: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has made it clear throughout his entire career that he thinks people who use marijuana are horrible human beings. This past week at a speech in Richmond, Virginia, Jeff...

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Ahead of Major Insurance Loss and Travel Ban 2.0: Democrats Introduce Bill Attacking “Fake News”

The day after the Congressional Budget Office announced that the new Republican healthcare bill would leave 24 million Americans without insurance and just days before Trump’s unconstitutional travel ban is to be implemented, Democrats in Congress found that their efforts were best spent trying to pass symbolic legislation against the tropes of “fake news,” and “alternate facts.” While those buzzwords have been so misused that they no longer have any meaning at all, it was this specific language that a bill proposed by Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-N.Y.) called for Congress to unifyingly oppose. H. Res. 191 is titled “Opposing Fake News and...

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Why Did Big Pharma Send 4 Million Opiate Pills to a Town of 400 People?

As the United States rushes to catch up in the ongoing opiate crisis invading small towns and homes nationwide, it becomes most important to talk to those most affected and find out just how this all began. That’s exactly what happened on Monday evening as MSNBC‘s Chris Hayes was joined by Senator Bernie Sanders for “All In with Bernie” to talk to the real people of West Virginia’s coal country and discuss, among other things, the growing opiate epidemic. During their discussions, residents highlighted the biggest culprit in the growing issue: big pharma. In this particular town of Kermit, West Virginia,...

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Doctors keep over-prescribing unnecessary drugs – CMS regulations being ignored

Drug prescription abuse is one of the most problematic aspects of modern medicine. The Medicare drug program has always been open to all types of exploits, and in a system that serves more than 40 million U.S. citizens, rampant fraud may have devastating consequences for public health. It’s not infrequent that unscrupulous doctors prescribe large amounts of medicines for dangerous off-label indications after receiving kickbacks from Big Pharma. Other times, drugs with a high addiction potential or highly dangerous side effects, get overprescribed in nursing homes and clinics. And while stories such as the overuse of the antipsychotic Abilify...

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