Search Results for: Chris Christie

Seth Meyers on How Far Christie Has Fallen

One of the most notable moments of Super Tuesday wasn’t a specific vote or call for a state, but rather Donald Trump’s victory speech and the appearance of lapdog Chris Christie who stood slack-jawed in the background for the entire show. Twitter was driven into a frenzy as people questioned why Trump would choose to feature awkward Christie as his backdrop, rather than Trump’s family or even advisers. #FreeChristie began trending as individuals offered to start a Kickstarter to buy back Christie’s dignity and others tried to imagine what Christie might have been thinking during the long speech. One of the most popular...

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Trump Puts Lapdog Christie In His Place: “Get In The Plane And Go Home”

Those who supported New Jersey Governor Chris Christie in the presidential election did so because they thought he was strong in his convictions and not afraid of telling it like it is. He was, in a way, the precursor to Trump but without the deadly implications. Well, it turns out that the image of bullheaded Christie was just a facade because when Christie made the shocking decision to back Donald Trump, he rolled over and wagged his tail for the candidate. Christie spoke at the Trump rally, giving a halfhearted speech where he said that Trump was the guy...

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Christie Mocks Citizens In New Jersey Still Dealing With Flooding While He Campaigns In NH

Chris Christie continues to disappoint his constituency in New Jersey in favor of running after votes in other states, leaving his waterlogged state in shambles. When Christie returned to his state ahead of the weekends winter storm Jonas, it was with a sort of reluctance that makes one question where Christie would be if times got tough as Commander in Chief. As soon as he could, Christie fled his state, ignoring the pleas of at least two southern counties who claimed that the extent of their damage was worse than that experience during hurricane Sandy. At a rally in New...

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Christie and Rubio Go Head-to-Head in Legendary Battle of the Boneheads

Things are heating up between Presidential candidates Chris Christie and Marco Rubio, as Christie levels jab after jab at his GOP competitor one month ahead of the Iowa caucus. Christie had this to say about Rubio on Tuesday: “I just don’t think Marco Rubio’s going to be able to slime his way to the White House. He wants to put out a whole bunch of negative ads? Go ahead. I hope that he will acknowledge at some point that I couldn’t care less.” This most recent comment from Christie comes after Rubio criticized Christie for agreeing with President Obama on too...

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Gov. Christie is Just Like Rubio, Skips Out on Work a Lot

Chris Wallace slammed Presidential Candidate Chris Christie over his absent governorship in New Jersey in response to Christie’s criticism of Senator Marco Rubio, saying that he has no room to talk with such an unhappy and neglected constituency. “[New Jersey Reporters] say that you have been away from New Jersey for all or part of 72 percent of the time since you announced you were running for president, and when you look at the total, over 200 days in 2015 which raises the question: Who are you to criticize?” Christie tried to escape the heat by saying that unlike being...

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