Search Results for: Chris Christie

Rumble: Did Christie just make the case for electing Bernie Sanders? – Thom Hartmann’s Big Picture

He just talked about how the Chinese people need to stand up and realize that government corruption is enriching oligarchs all throughout China – while standing on a stage in a venue owned by Casino magnate – major Republican Donor – and all-around American oligarch – Sheldon Adelson. Bryan Pruitt, RedState & Alex Lawson, Social Security Works & Charles Sauer, The Market Institute all join Thom. – Thom Hartmann’s Big...

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Christie Doesn’t Follow the News: Still Thinks Refugees are Terrorists

Faced with reality, Governor Chris Christie pleads ignorance. During an interview with CNN Wednesday, host Jake Tapper attempted to bring to heel the anti-Islamic hysteria that has been running rampant in the GOP since last Friday’s attack. “I understand that this anti-refugee position is certainly a popular thing to do, but most of the terrorists here in France appear to be French and Belgian citizens. I know that one of them got into the country embedding himself with refugees, but most of them did not. Most of them were citizens here in Europe and I don’t hear you or any...

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Christie Announces His Zero Tolerance Standard for Syrian Refugees

Republicans are trying to score political points with their racist constituents following the terrorist attack on Paris last week. Chris Christie, who is a desperate candidate for the Republican nomination, is trying his hardest to prove that he is more racist and xenophobic than the current GOP frontrunners. Working to that end, while appearing on Hugh Hewitt Show, Christie made it clear that if he were president, he would refuse to accept any Syrian refugees – even if they were children under the age of five. Listen below via Crooks &...

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Christie Claims Bernie Wants to Raise Everyone’s Taxes to 90 Percent, He’s Very Wrong

During the Republican debate, Chris Christie claimed that Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders plans to raise “your” taxes to 90 percent. It’s a flat out lie. “The socialist says they’re going to pay for everything and give you everything for free, except they don’t tell you they’re going to raise your taxes to 90 percent to do it,” said Christie. Donald Trump echoed a similar sentiment regarding Democrats in Richmond at a rally. “This maniac that was standing on [Hillary Clinton’s] right is giving everything away, so she’s following,” said Trump. “He’s gonna tax you people at 90 percent. He’s...

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