Search Results for: Chris Christie

Christie: BLM Wants Dead Cops and it’s Obama’s Fault

Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie has taken the “tough on crime” angle with his campaign. He believes we need to increase police forces in America and decrease oversight. He especially hates the Black Lives Matter movement, saying that the movement calls for the murder of police officers. What’s worse, he thinks President Barack Obama supports that. “Listen, I don’t believe that movement should be justified when they’re calling for the murder of police officers, no,” Christie told John Dickerson on Face the Nation. “But they’re not calling for the murder of police officers,” Dickerson said. “Sure, they are,” said...

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Loud-Mouthed, Obnoxious Christie Causes Scene on Amtrak

Republican presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie got kicked off of an Amtrak car for yelling on his phone while sitting in a quiet car. According to an eyewitness account reported by Gawker: He got on last minute yelling at his two secret service agents I think because of a seat mixup, sat down and immediately started making phone calls on the quiet car. After about 10 minutes, the conductor asked him to stop or go to another car. He got up and walked out again yelling at his secret service. He was drinking a McDonald’s strawberry...

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Tough Talkin’ Christie Thinks Int’l Policy is a Wrestling Match

Appearing on Sean Hannity’s program yesterday, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie argued that he would be able to do a better job of ‘reigning in’ Russia in the Middle East. To Christie, international politics is a big wrestling match – Obama is out of his weight class and getting beat by Putin, Christie would be ‘fine.’ “Look, just when you think it can’t get worse with this administration, it does,” said Christie. “This is a guy who’s convinced that he’s the smartest guy in the room and he’s convinced that he can charm anybody into anything,” said Chris Christie...

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The Christie Creep Again and Again Caught on Video Lying: Watch This

Chris Christie has always been a bully, but more and more of the public are acknowledging what a terrible politician he is. Christie is aware of this, so when a foible of his past is brought to his attention, he can do little more than berate and attack the person pointing out his flaw. The alternative, Christie has no recourse for. Christie cannot allow people to see that he is completely bankrupt on sound political theory, and that he is little more than an exploitative blowhard. During a speaking event in Manchester, New Hampshire on Aug. 29, 2015, a woman...

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Christie Blames Obama for America’s Heroin Epidemic

New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie blamed President Barack Obama for the country’s heroin epidemic in a new political ad, reported the Huffington Post. He neglects to mention the country’s broken criminal justice system and the fruitless war on drugs. “Lawlessness in America and around the world under Barack Obama,” said Christie before the ad flashed images of a heroin user, implying that it’s Obama’s fault. The HuffPo noted that America’s opiate addiction occurred 20 years before Obama ever took office when a massive surge of opiate-based prescription painkillers flooded the streets. However, it was actually...

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