Search Results for: Chris Christie

New Jersey Gov. Christie Pushes For Tuition Equality

Somewhat like California Gov. Jerry Brown, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is pushing hard for the rights of undocumented immigrants in his state. Gov. Christie on Saturday announced his support and efforts in passing the New Jersey Tuition Equality Act, which would allow undocumented immigrants to enjoy in-state college tuition. Christie’s Saturday announcement is a complete reversal on his previous position held on tuition for undocumented immigrants. A surprising move considering that Christie railed against Texas Gov. Rick Perry for supporting the same kind of legislation in 2011. Christie said “I do not believe that, for the people who...

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Christie Accepts NRA Cash Donations, Avoids The Most Important Issue In New Gun Control Plans

It seems New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (REP) is lacking the motivation to push forward with his promised stricter gun control policies and it is becoming increasingly evident where Christie’s loyalties are lying on the subject. With incentives such as the recently discovered cash donations that were made from the National Rifle Association (NRA) lobbyist Randy Kozuch to the governor’s campaign, it doesn’t seem as if Christie will be pushing harder for gun control anytime soon. In response to the Newtown shootings, Christie announced in January that he was launching a task force to reduce violence within the state. The governor...

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Christie Wishes CPAC “All The Best” After GOP Snub

In another display of conservative intolerance, New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie was snubbed by the GOP and lost his spot to speak at this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), which is being held next week right outside of Washington. After President Barack Obama provided relief funds for the Hurricane Sandy stricken New Jersey, Christie showed his thanks by appearing with the Democratic president. Usually known as being socially conservative, the governor later scolded his fellow Republicans for holding up the relief funds and it seems the GOP saw the CPAC as a perfect opportunity to snub Christie...

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