Search Results for: Chris Christie

Zuckerberg & Christie’s Dinner For Schmucks

LGBT and women’s rights groups are taking note of who backs who, and this evening Mark Zuckerberg is hosting a fundraiser for New Jersey governor, Chris Christie (R-NJ) at his home in Palo Alto. Groups are taking to the web and the streets in protest of Zuckerberg’s implied support for the governor. Chris Christie has a history of being against same-sex marriage and on women’s issues Christie is regularly a source of setback. Whether it’s slashing funding for reproductive care in the name of budget conservatism or crushing health insurance funds to be “fiscally responsible”, Christie repeatedly and consistently...

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Papantonio: Fox News Mocks Christie’s Weight

Chris Christie is being pushed by an array of right wingers to run for president, so why isn’t he jumping in the race? Well, in Fox News’ own words, Christie is “too big to be president.” Mike Papantonio and Ed Schultz discuss why Christie’s health issues could prevent him from seeking the White House....

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Poll: Most Republicans Want to Make Christianity the National Religion

Results from a Public Policy Polling survey show that, unsurprisingly, most Republican participants support making Christianity the national religion, Talking Points Memo reported. Of the respondents, 57 percent said they would support establishing the national religion, never mind that America was founded on the basis of religious freedom. They also seemed to have forgotten that the Constitution explicitly prohibits Congress from establishing a national religion. It’s convenient that Republicans are so willing to ignore the Bill of Rights when it conflicts with any aspect of Christianity, but if you even for one minute mention any form of gun control,...

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Jimmy Kimmel Tears Apart Trump, Republicans, And Fox News In Healthcare Bill Showdown

Late night talk show host and comedian Jimmy Kimmel has been one of the more vocal celebrities with regards to the Republican plan to “repeal and replace” Obamacare, and the latest version of the bill in the Senate has made him understandably angry. This week Kimmel has pounded Donald Trump, Bill Cassidy (the co-sponsor of the legislation), Chris Christie, Fox & Friends host Brian Kilmeade, and all of the Republican sycophants who support this disaster of a bill. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains why Kimmel’s voice is so important in this fight. Transcript: Republicans in the Senate still...

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Trump’s Ridiculous Solution For Opioid Crisis: Tell Kids ‘Drugs Are Bad, Mmkay?’

When it comes to solving some of the nation’s most complex issues, President Donald Trump truly thinks outside the box. It’s why he plans to handle North Korea’s aggression with “fire and fury,” and it’s why, on Wednesday, the POTUS said that in order to tackle the drug problems facing Americans, we should simply tell kids how bad drugs are. Trump made his comments during a pit stop on his two-week golfing spree at a New Jersey Golf Club. There, sitting next to Chris Christie and the rest of the opioid task force, Trump gave his sage advice. Ring...

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