Search Results for: Chris Christie

Trump Won’t Declare State of Emergency Over Opioid Crisis

After having been recommended by a White House task force to take immediate action concerning the opioid crisis, President Trump has decided against declaring a national state of emergency. By choosing not to do so, President Trump is ignoring the recommendations of a White House task force put into place by him, though Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price says “emergency,” is just a word. “We believe that at this point that the resources that we need or the focus that we need to bring to bear to the opioid crisis at this point can be addressed...

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Spicey Says Trump’s Constant Golfing Okay Because He’s Working While He Plays

Monday afternoon, Press Secretary Sean Spicer won the dumbest response of the day when he argued that Trump’s trips to the golf course – unlike Obama’s – were a-okay because Trump used his leisure time to advance U.S. relations on the green. Amid a sea of more important questions, Spicer was asked on Monday to comment on the President’s frequent trips to golf courses across the country in light of his own criticism of former President Obama’s leisure time. Not recognizing the contradiction – or at least not mentioning it – Spicer said that the president was owed some privacy...

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Trump Transition Team Declined an Ethics Class for New Staff – Results Were Obvious

A million-dollar program to train incoming cabinet nominees and new White House staffers on things like management and ethics was shooed away by the Trump administration, according to a Politico report. The program was started in 2000 and both the Bush and Obama transition teams went through the training. Before the 2016 election, companies were already in the process of bidding for the contract to offer the same training for the Trump administration. However, citing a leadership change in Trump’s transition team, the bidding process was cancelled. Not long after the election, Mike Pence took the reins of the...

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Marco Rubio Admits He’s Skipping Town Halls For Fear Of Being “Heckled”

Republican Senator Marco Rubio finally explained why he’s skipping the town hall meetings that his fellow Republicans are attending across the country – he said he’s afraid of being heckled and ridiculed by his constituents.  Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had the best response to people like Rubio: Welcome to the real world of adult responsibilities. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.   Transcript of the above video: Republican Senator, Marco Rubio, confirmed this past weekend what we have been saying for several days, and that is, that the reason he is not holding Town Hall meetings...

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Groveling Carly Fiorina Heads to Trump Tower to Kiss His Ring

Donald Trump has set his vindictive sights on yet another vanquished foe and has invited Carly Fiorina to come to Trump tower to be dangled publicly before she is discarded in the pile of Trump cabinet hopefuls. On Monday afternoon, Fiorina ascended the golden elevator at Trump tower to meet with the President-elect. The agenda: Fiorina’s possible appointment as the Director of National Intelligence. Ever the sunny-day supporter, Fiorina chatted with reporters after her meeting with Trump and compared him to basketball star Shaquille O’Neal. Fiorina also said that the two bonded about their mutual hatred of China. “It was an...

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