Search Results for: Chris Christie

Papantonio: The Trump Transition Team Purge

Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder discuss the turn around rate of Trump’s administration. Transcription of the above video: Sam: Pap, usually when people talk about purges, it implies that there’s been a pre-existing regime and people are purged from it. The Trump administration-to-be is already experiencing purges just days after becoming not even an administration. Pap: Yeah, they looking ahead, aren’t they? Sam: Yeah, exactly. They’re getting into the rhythm of things quite early. This is pretty stunning, and so people should understand this: Chris Christie was the head the transition team for, ostensibly, the past...

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Trump’s Transition Turmoil – Nobody Wants To Play With Him

Donald Trump’s transition team is nothing short of a disaster. A week after the election, and we’ve already had staffing purges, firings, and resignations, and the staff now says that they are about a month behind where they should be in picking a transition team. The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Already, Donald Trump’s transition team is suffering from just a complete lack of cohesiveness and, to be honest, a very shortage of actual staff. As we talked about a couple of days ago, Donald Trump, when he met with President Obama,...

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So Much for “Can’t Be Bought” Trump: Considering JP Morgan Chief for Treasury Secretary

All of this feels very unreal, but those still in disbelief will be snapped to reality to learn that Donald Trump’s campaign is mulling the possibility of placing JP Morgan’s Chief and CEO Jamie Dimon as the Secretary of the Treasury. Though we may rebel against it and wake up each morning wondering “was it all a dream,” the Trump campaign is busy preparing for Donald Trump’s very real ascendancy to the presidency. On Thursday, President Obama met with President-elect Trump to discuss the transition in the White House. Elsewhere, First Lady Michelle Obama is set to meet with...

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Trump’s Nightmare Cabinet – Climate Skeptics & Political Hacks

Donald Trump has already picked a climate change denier to head up his EPA transition team. He promised Sarah Palin a spot in his cabinet if he were to win. What other clowns will President Combover pack into his administration? The Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcription of the above video: Well, Donald Trump has been the President-elect for about day and a half now and things are already looking pretty grim as far as the prospects of him appointing anybody that has a brain to serve in his administration. Case in point, Donald Trump has already...

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