Search Results for: Chris Christie

The Horror Show of Trump’s Hypothetical Cabinet is Beginning to Take Shape

In less than 48 hours, this nation will have likely elected its new president. And though the polls are leaning heavily in Clinton’s favor, there is still a daunting chance that Trump may pull it out and win this thing. If Trump does emerge victorious, besides ushering in the apocalypse, he will be bringing onboard some of the most despicable and yes, even deplorable, cabinet members to help rule over the crumbling nation. So even if you think Donald Trump isn’t really so bad, you will hopefully agree that the likes of Rudy Giuliani, Newt Gingrich, Chris Christie, and...

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Obama Tells Trump Defectors: You Don’t Get Credit for Abandoning the Campaign of Hate Now

At various moments in the presidential election, Republicans have struggled to hop on and off of the Trump wagon, making their support and condemnation of Trump public in the hopes of surviving the political season with their careers intact. Though we will long remember the handful of Republicans who stood up to Trump’s hate from the beginning, defending the reputation and values of their party over party lines, there are far more Republicans to whom history will not look upon with a smiling eye. Referring to this exact issue, the president said over the weekend that those who are...

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Stephen Colbert Has the Perfect First Shows For Trump TV

If you weren’t aware, there is a pretty popular theory among those who know these sorts of things that Trump’s ultimate end goal isn’t the White House at all but rather his very own television network, Trump TV. The evidence is everywhere that Trump never truly intended to become president, and he has done an expert job this election season to make a large swath of the American population completely distrust and reject every current media outlet. What could be better than your favorite candidate giving you your favorite new news? Of course, the media mogul is going to...

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Laws To Punish Groups that Boycott Israel are a New Brand of Crazy

While New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is busy vetoing bill which would automatically register voters, he is also greedily signing unconstitutional legislation which seeks to punish groups who choose to boycott Israel. It’s all part of a growing governmental consensus, at least among right-wing politicians and the right-leaning Democrats, that any criticism of Israel is antisemitic and anti-American. The ACLU and other legal advocacy groups are warning that the new law signed on Tuesday is unconstitutional and reeks of McCarthism and blacklisting. The law would require that the State Investment Council, which manages more than $80 billion in pension assets, deprive anti-Israel...

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