Search Results for: Chris Christie

D-List Celebrities and Brain Dead Politicos Kick Off RNC Convention

If you’re hoping to catch a glimpse of a major celebrity or a motivating political figure then don’t look to the RNC.  This year’s convention is packed with celebrities you’ve never heard of and politicians with an IQ of room temperature. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this. Transcript of the above video: Right now, the entire United States is focusing on the city of Cleveland as the Republican National Convention gets underway, but if you were expecting to see any big-name celebrities or really anybody that has anything intelligent to say, I advise you to not look at...

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The Bizarre List of Chuckleheads You Can Expect to See at the RNC This Week

We knew things weren’t going well for the Republican party, but the particularly lackluster lineup ready to present at the 2016 Republican National Convention makes it clear just how sad the state of conservative politics have gotten. Among the illustrious speakers set to inspire Republicans nationwide is are has-been sitcom star, a couple of overly-bearded hicks, an unhinged former Mayor, some of the more hateful and hated Republican lawmakers, and many more. Let’s take a look at the star-studded list of speakers awaiting our joyfully upturned faces this week: Scott “off-his-rocker-and-off-the-payroll” Baio: Now, you may have forgotten just who the hell Scott...

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Trump To Choose Mike Pence As Vice Presidential Running-Mate

On Thursday afternoon, multiple sources including the New York Times have confirmed that Donald Trump intends to select Indiana Governor Mike Pence as his vice presidential running mate. In the wake of the news breaking, Trump spokesperson and campaign managers both said that the decision has not yet been made, but the consensus outside of those limited spokespeople seems to be that Trump has chosen Pence and they are merely trying to protect that information for the big reveal tomorrow. Pence was one of three finalists for the position including failed presidential candidate Newt Gingrich and failed presidential candidate Governor...

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Hypocrite Trump Will Make His VP Candidate Release Their Tax Returns

As the old mantra proclaims: “Do as I say, not as I do.” That’s apparently a motto of which Donald Trump is particularly fond as the candidate’s campaign has said that any and all vice presidential candidates will be required to release their tax returns as a condition of joining the Trump ticket. Of course, Trump has said repeatedly that he does not want to release his tax returns as he is currently under audit, though the IRS has said that there is no legal precedent barring Trump from releasing while in the process of an audit. It is traditional procedure that...

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This Week Proves That Donald Trump Owns The Insane Republican Party – The Big Picture

It’s been a big 48 hours for Donald Trump. Thursday night’s Republican debate was heated – and Marco Rubio continued the attack on CBS This Morning calling Trump an “erratic” “con artist”. And just hours after Rubio’s attacks – Donald Trump received an endorsement from former presidential candidate Chris Christie. At a later rally – Trump seemed to spend more time attacking Marco Rubio than talking about his recent endorsement. Just a typical couple of days in this GOP circus. America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, discusses this with political commentator Chauncey DeVega on RT’s The Big...

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