Search Results for: Chris Christie

Trump to the Media: Say Bad Things About Me and I Will SUE You

During Trump’s victory lap on Friday during the same rally in which he celebrated the endorsement from failed candidate Chris Christie, Trump said the most dangerous thing to come from his lips yet: If I am president, the freedom of the press will be no more. To a room full of cheers, Trump proclaimed that he would loosen up libel laws so that when a news organization like the New York Times is critical of the candidate, he would be able to win a suit against them for “lots of money.” The fact that people supported and cheered for...

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The Punk Vs. The Trump: What A Mismatch

The last 24 hours have been a real thrill-ride for those who are on the GOP’s Wild Ride, with Trump and the Punk going head to head since Thursday night’s debate. During the debate, Cruz and Rubio teamed up to take on Trump, waging the strongest attack against the front-runner so far. But it was Rubio that carried the anti-Trump baton through Friday as he mocked Trump’s misspelled tweets and said that the candidate may have wet himself during the previous night’s debate. Trump shot back by dominating the airwaves with a surprise Chris Christie endorsement and then using airtime...

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Economic Insecurity Is At The Heart of Minimum Wage Debate

If you check out Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ website, across the top is the banner statement: “Nobody who works 40 hours a week should live in poverty.” Part of his plan to tackle that issue includes raising the federal hourly minimum wage to $15, a proposal that has many conservatives leaning on old arguments that a higher minimum wage kills jobs, hurts small businesses, and only benefits teenagers. There are plenty of studies that will lend support to arguments both for and against a higher minimum wage, but the debate is really about economic insecurity. Political “outsiders” like...

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