Search Results for: Chris Christie

Rubio Robot Malfunctions: Repeats Same Talking Point Four Times During Debate

During last night’s debate, things got a little heated between Republican longshot Chris Christie and Establishment darling Marco Rubio when Christie called him out on his prepared speech talking points. Rubio appeared flustered and dropped his usually unflappable neutral face in favor of a frustrated smile and even a defensive laugh. But then Rubio said his talking point again. And again. And again? Looks like the GOP needs to take the Rubio model into the shop to get it looked at. Don’t you just hate it when your brand new shiny candidate starts skipping so...

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Michael Moore Slams Trump On Fox’s “The Kelly File”

Michael Moore made an appearance on Fox News, of all places, to talk about his new film, “Where To Invade Next,” though Moore was much more interested in discussing the latest Trump-Kelly controversy surrounding Trump’s boycott of the Thursday night debate. Host Megyn Kelly seemed incredibly disarmed by the politeness of Moore who she is no doubt used to having more bristly conversations with. Moore is almost always at odds with the sort of values espoused on Fox News and it is a rare sight indeed to see him defending a Fox correspondent. “You have done something that Jeb Bush, Chris...

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Everybody Hates Ted: How The GOP Is Rejecting Their Newest Frontrunner

Donald Trump may be a thorn in the side of Establishment Republicans, but their real enemy is Ted Cruz. This was recently affirmed by Iowa’s GOP governor, Terry Branstad, who has basically told the Republican voters of his state that they can support any candidate they choose – as long as its not Ted. Cruz’ poll numbers started going up among Iowans in October. He decided at that time that his rising popularity with voters in the all-important primary state meant that Conservative voters were starting to gather around him. Taking a cue from rival candidate Trump and seeing Bernie...

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The GOP’s Immigration Hoax – The Ring of Fire

When it comes to politicians, it’s usually best to second-guess almost everything they say. This holds true especially for Republicans in an election year. Take the issue of immigration. Republican presidential candidates have made this year’s election all about the handling of undocumented immigrants, and they’ve been very successful in drumming up their angry, bigoted base to be fearful of anyone that comes across America’s borders. So far in the Republican debates, we’ve heard endless stupid talk from the candidates about how high they’d build a wall along our Southern border, who they’d make pay for it, and so...

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So Much for Freedom of the Press: Corporate Media Punishing Newspaper For Criticizing Trump

It turns out that while the mainstream media loves to criticize the insane statements made by presidential candidate Donald Trump, they are not willing to see him overly criticized or derided if it means they may lose the favorable ear of the candidate. The American Broadcast Company (ABC) has recently announced that they are terminating their partnership with a local New Hampshire newspaper because its publisher had the unmitigated gall to criticize Donald Trump. Furthermore, America’s own idiot billionaire celebrity is proudly taking the credit. This story involves the New Hampshire Union Leader, one of the last bastions of small-town, independent...

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