Search Results for: Chris Christie

Low Voter Turnout Will Hand 2016 Election To The GOP – The Ring of Fire

The 2016 presidential election is going to come down to one thing – voter turnout. And if you think that the Republican Party doesn’t realize this then you are sorely mistaken. For close to a decade now, Republicans have been working state by state to make it more difficult for minorities, college students, and even the elderly to get out and vote. These efforts all have the intent of driving Democrats away from the polls. And after their defeats in 2008 and 2012 due to record-breaking turnout, Republicans will be using every trick in the book to keep Democrats...

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Will Jeb’s New Focus on Trump Pay Off in Iowa

With the Iowa caucus just one month away, the GOP contest is turning into a melee resembling the ongoing civil war in Syria, with every contender at each other’s throats. At the same time, it appears that mainstream Republicans are sitting on their hands, apparently waiting to see how it all plays out. One prominent Republican in the Hawkeye State draws a contrast between the current cycle and the last Presidential election. He points out that in 2012, the GOP establishment and the rank-and-file were solidly behind Mitt Romney. This year, however, they have been “sitting there…without a candidate...

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Marco Rubio Says He Can’t Do His Job as Senator because It’s a Meaningless Position

If most of us failed to show up at our jobs 11% of the time, chances are we’d be sacked. Marco Rubio doesn’t have a problem with it, however. During his time as Florida’s junior senator, he’s missed 11% of the votes. Now, every member of Congress misses a vote on occasion; like everyone else, lawmakers get ill or have family emergencies. However, Rubio’s rate of absenteeism is seven times the Congressional average. This issue has come up before over the course of Rubio’s campaign. In October, a Florida newspaper published a scathing editorial calling for Rubio to stop...

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The Big Lie on the War Against Drugs, and Why Nixon Wanted It

If you’ve shopped at a gardening supply store in the last year, and if you happen to live with someone who drinks tea, guess what? Your local sheriff could just send a SWAT team into your house. It’s not a far-fetched scenario, in fact it actually happened, here in America, just 3 short years ago. Back in 2012, a Kansas SWAT team raided the home of Robert and Addie Harte and tore their house apart looking for evidence of a major marijuana growing operation. The investigation began when a state trooper stationed at a gardening supply store (yes, they...

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All Dems Agree: Heroin Use, Prescription Opiates are Major Issue in U.S.

During the debate Saturday night, the Democratic candidates took a break from discussing income inequality and ISIS to instead address the growing heroin epidemic in the U.S., connecting it to a strong prescription medicine addiction that has been present in America for years. Bernie, Hillary, and O’Malley seemed united on the issue, condemning the U.S. trend of over-prescribing hard opiates which cause addiction in record numbers. Bernie Sanders called drug addiction a “disease,” not a crime, echoing recent comments from GOP candidate Chris Christie. In this issue, Democrats seem completely unified: America is in crisis and intervention is necessary. Watch. Democratic Candidates Extremely...

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