Search Results for: Chris Christie

The GOP’s Path to the Dark Side – Thom Hartmann’s Big Picture

Tonight’s Rumble discusses the Republican candidates obsession with constant war, why CNN had a conservative radio talk show host co-moderate the debate again, and the irony around Chris Christie’s China’s oligarchy comment. Thom discusses what’s next for climate activists following the Paris climate deal with RESULTS’ Sam Daley-Harris and Citizens’ Climate Lobby’s Danny Richter and in tonight’s Daily Take Thom discusses the GOP’s path to the dark side. – Thom Hartmann’s Big...

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GOP Insanity: Even People on Terror Watch List Should Be Able to Buy Assault Rifles in America

The San Bernardino shootings have jump started Presidential candidates discussing how they believe issues like gun control should be handled. The candidate agree that this was an act of terrorism, but the do not agree about what should be done to combat these sort of tragedies in the future. As CBS News reports: “I’m convinced that it was a terrorist attack,” said Republican presidential candidate and current governor of New Jersey, Chris Christie. “We are dealing with an act of terrorism,” said Hillary CLinton Thursday. But everyone has their own approach to the threat. Beyond that, however, the candidates cannot...

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Thanksgiving Dinner With Your Right-Wing Relatives. Ring of Fire Suggestions

Hold on to your tin-foil hats, people…it’s that time of year again when families gather around the holiday table to enjoy good food, fellowship and togetherness – and wind up having to listen to Cousin Larry or Uncle John pontificate on the wisdom of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, speaking authoritatively about Obama being a secret Muslim and how the godless are waging a “war on Christmas,” and informing everyone that “climate change” is really part of a hoax intended to bring down the capitalist system while warning everyone that ISIS is coming to America in order to impose...

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