Search Results for: Chris Christie

Republicans Want a Database of Muslims – The Ed Schultz Show

Chris Christie complained on CNN Sunday that he didn’t know 75 Syrian Refugees were already in his state of New Jersey, blaming the Obama Administration for their handling of the Situation. At the same time Donald Trump says we need to track and surveil Muslims in America like something out of Nazi Germany. Ed Schultz gives commentary. – The Ed Schultz...

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French President Still Wants Refugees: GOP, What’s Your Excuse?

In the wake of the Paris Massacre, France’s president Francois Hollande has once again asserted that France will be taking in Syrian refugees by the thousands. Republicans in America this week have done the opposite of President Hollande by panicking and making outrageous claims like: We should ban all Muslim refugees (Ted Cruz), five year old Syrian orphans have the potential to be terrorists (Chris Christie), and we should closely monitor all current Muslim American citizens (Ben Carson). President Hollande encouraged citizens in France to ignore the impulse to demonize and question the Syrian refugees. “30,000 refugees will be welcomed over...

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Two More Repug Bumpkins Kicked Off the Debate Stage: As if That is an Improvement

The ridiculous circus act that is the GOP debates has dwindled to a oh-so-modest eight as Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee fail to secure the required polling percentages to join their fellow clowns on the main stage. For the upcoming November 10 Republican presidential debate Fox Business Network announced that they would be giving the two candidates the boot as they failed to meet an average of 2.5 percent support in recent national polls. Of course, a kids table debate will be provided for the candidates that just won’t give up; Christie and Huckabee will be joining Rick Santorum and Bobby...

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Current HP CEO Says Fiorina is Unfit to Be Prez, We Agree

Current Hewlett-Packard CEO Meg Whitman has spoken out against Republican presidential candidate and former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, saying that Fiorina is unfit to be president. “I just think literally having some experience in politics is probably an important criteria for the highest office in the land,” Whitman said. “I think it’s very difficult for your first role in politics to be president of the United States. I think having experience in the Senate or as the governor of a state is really important. It’s just hard to be dropped down in Washington, D.C. never having experience in politics...

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Jeb Bush Candidacy Coming to Embarrassing End: Cutting Staff, Flying Commercial

Despite the fact that Jeb Bush represents a virtual royal dynasty with vast connections among the moneyed elite, he’s only raised a little over half of what his campaign needs at this point – and most of that has been spent. Currently, his campaign staff has seen their paychecks reduced (top campaign chiefs saw their pay shaved by $75,000). Reportedly, they’re eating at downscale diners and staying at economy lodging facilities as well. According to a report at, Jeb Bush has even started flying commercial.  One insider quipped, “The high life has ended.” Of the top GOP contenders...

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