Search Results for: Chris Christie

Esquire Political Blogger Charlie Pierce States: ‘GOP Has Gone Completely Insane’

Charlie Pierce, an Esquire political blogger, teed off on the Republican party when speaking about the Oregon shooting on MSNBC. He said what most Americans have been thinking for several years, the Republicans are “completely insane.” He was stern and unapologetic in denouncing the insane party. [I]t’s the party that, when we have mine disasters, blocks mine regulations. It’s the party that says when we want to fix our roads, you can’t have an infrastructure bill, you can’t raise the gas tax. It’s the party that when some people have floods, like New Jersey, marks Chris Christie as lousy...

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Koch Bros. Stunned as Chosen Boy Scott Walker is at Very Bottom of Race

Republican presidential candidate Scott Walker, the Koch brothers’ golden boy candidate, has taken an unrecoverable tailspin in the 2016 GOP race. Walker’s collapse is likely a stunner for the Koch brothers, who vowed to throw millions of dollars behind Walker. In the latest CNN/ORC poll, Walker registers at less than one percent. He’s so low in the polls, that he’s been given an asterisk instead of a number. It’s safe to say that he’s toast. Walker now joins the bottom feeders like Bobby Jindal, George Pataki, and Lindsey Graham, who all register an asterisk. Rand Paul, Chris Christie, and Rick Santorum aren’t...

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Obamacare Way More Successful than Anyone Predicted: GOP will be Forced to Address During Debates

Even Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal can’t ignore the fact that the Affordable Care Act, for all its shortcomings, has been a tremendous success when it comes to getting more Americans the health care coverage they need. Last year, the numbered of uninsured dropped to 10.4%.  It’s the largest decline in in 28 years – and that number is still dropping. It’s had a tremendous impact in places like New Jersey, where in some counties, the number of uninsured dropped by 30% (which is something Chris Christie probably doesn’t want to acknowledge). Much of the Affordable Care Act’s success...

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GOP Debate #2: ROF Provides You This Quick Summary

The second round of Republican primary debates, held at the Reagan Presidential Library Wednesday afternoon and evening in front of an audience of 500, held very few surprises. There were, however, a few running themes uniting the candidates throughout the five hour debate. Many of the statements included the same, tired old excuses and rhetoric we’ve been hearing for over thirty years. As was the case with the first debate, last evening’s session was divided into two parts. The first debate featured the four “second tier” candidates. GOP candidates Jindal, Pataki and Graham started off with attacks on front-runner...

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Denying Science Will Make Republicans Lose The Youth Vote; Hit ’em Where It Hurts!

In the United States, we have yet to enact a single piece of national legislation to address climate change. And the group that will be most effected by this lack of action, millennials, are fed up with the lack of action in America. According to a new report by NextGen Climate, young voters are increasingly concerned about the threats of climate change and more than 70% of them favor severe cuts to U.S. carbon emissions and a switch to clean, renewable energy. According to the NextGen report: Millennials are looking for a bold solution to climate change and are...

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