Search Results for: opioid

Trump’s Ridiculous Solution For Opioid Crisis: Tell Kids ‘Drugs Are Bad, Mmkay?’

When it comes to solving some of the nation’s most complex issues, President Donald Trump truly thinks outside the box. It’s why he plans to handle North Korea’s aggression with “fire and fury,” and it’s why, on Wednesday, the POTUS said that in order to tackle the drug problems facing Americans, we should simply tell kids how bad drugs are. Trump made his comments during a pit stop on his two-week golfing spree at a New Jersey Golf Club. There, sitting next to Chris Christie and the rest of the opioid task force, Trump gave his sage advice. Ring...

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Trump Won’t Declare State of Emergency Over Opioid Crisis

After having been recommended by a White House task force to take immediate action concerning the opioid crisis, President Trump has decided against declaring a national state of emergency. By choosing not to do so, President Trump is ignoring the recommendations of a White House task force put into place by him, though Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price says “emergency,” is just a word. “We believe that at this point that the resources that we need or the focus that we need to bring to bear to the opioid crisis at this point can be addressed...

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Trump Administration Has Talked a Good Game on Addressing the Opioid Epidemic – But What Has it Really Accomplished?

During his campaign, Donald Trump made many grandiose promises. Last year, he said: “We will stop the flow of illegal drugs into our country,” in part by promising to “close the shipping loopholes that China and others are exploiting to send dangerous drugs across our borders.” He also said that he would “dramatically expand first responders’ and caregivers’ access to Narcan” (an emergency treatment for opioid poisoning). So…how is his Administration doing so far on that score? According to the acting director of the Office of National Drug Policy, pretty well. In response to a request to give the...

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When Will The DOJ Focus On Opioid Execs? – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio discusses the factors that led to the current opioid crisis in the U.S. and speaks with attorney Jeff Gaddy about a lawsuit being brought by the Cherokee Nation against several pharmaceutical companies. Transcript of the above video: Papantonio: For the last 18 months, the issue of healthcare and the behavior of the entire healthcare industry has been making headlines. Whether it’s Republicans trying to dismantle the few improvements that have been made to the health insurance system, or greedy Pharma executives price gouging consumers, Americans are...

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Feds Have Allowed The Opioid Epidemic To Grow

Ring of Fire’s Sam Seder and America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talk about the Opioid addiction in our country and how state Attorney Generals from all over the country are aiming to recoup the enormous cost associated with this epidemic. Transcript of the above video: Sam: So Pap, one thing that I want to talk about in the context of what’s going on that to a certain extent is we felt the impact in this past election has been the rising death rate amongst white men in their 40s and 50s. That has been fluctuating a little bit over the...

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