Search Results for: opioid

How The Opioid Epidemic Poses a Threat to Everyone – Addicted or Not

You may think that simply because neither you nor anyone among your family and friends have opioid addiction issues, it isn’t your problem. You’re wrong. The nation’s opioid addiction crisis is affecting people who have never taken such medications in unexpected and dangerous ways. It’s even claimed the lives of animals. For example, last year, Primus – a drug-sniffing dog working for the Broward County (Florida) Sheriff’s Department – had to be rushed to a veterinarian when he began exhibiting symptoms of a drug overdose. It turned out that Primus and two of his canine colleagues had been exposed...

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Native American Tribes are Fighting Back Against Big Pharma in Opioid Crisis

On Monday, America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio and a team from his firm, Levin Papantonio, met in Flagstaff, Arizona with the Coalition of Large Tribes (COLT) with the purpose of holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for the damage that opioids have done in Native American communities. While the American opioid epidemic is widespread, the Native American population has seen the worst of it. In a recent court filing, it was revealed that in a 14-county area that encompasses Cherokee tribal areas in Oklahoma, more than 97 million doses of prescription opioids were written for a population of only 1.1 million people....

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Perp Walk Needed for Corporate Opioid Pill Pushers – America’s Lawyer

The pharmaceutical companies that make and distribute opioids are facing a growing wave of lawsuits for the destruction their pills has brought on to the public. At least 25 U.S. states, cities and counties filed civil cases in the last year. Two notable recent cases come from the attorney generals of Missouri and Ohio. This is following years of the government and pharmaceutical firms failing to control the opioid epidemic. America’s Lawyer host Mike Papantonio speaks to the Executive Director of Truth Pharm, Alexis Pleus, about the opioid crisis and the multiple lawsuits now weighing in on Big Pharma...

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West Virginia Federal Judge Stands Up To Corporate Opioid Thugs – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio highlights a Judge’s denial to allow a plea bargain in an opioid distribution case. Transcript of the above video: Finally tonight some good news from West Virginia as a judge fights to reveal the dark details of opioid distribution. U.S District Judge Joseph Goodwin refused to accept a plea bargain in a drug case saying that the deal “was made in the context of a clear, present, and deadly heroin and opioid crisis in this community.” Adding that, “The secrecy surrounding plea bargains in heroin and...

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