Search Results for: opioid

The Opioid Corporate Manslaughter Phenomenon – The Big Picture

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via The Big Picture RT: Is America’s opioid epidemic a drug problem or another example of corporate malfeasance run amok? America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio joins Thom Hartmann to discuss this topic. Transcript of the above video: Thom Hartmann: We were talking earlier today about how the new version of Trumpcare was unveiled today sets aside 54 billion dollars to help combat the opioid epidemic. You’re currently part of a lawsuit against big pharmaceutical companies for their role in creating this opioid addiction crisis. Talk about that. How are they responsible for...

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Some Relief: Number of Opioids Prescribed Is Falling

As America wakes up to the growing issue with opioid addiction taking thousands of lives each year, it seems change is finally taking place at the source – the number of opioids being prescribed has fallen in the last two years for the first time in as many decades. According to information gathered by the New York Times, in 2016, the number of opioid prescriptions given out in the year fell for the first time since their rise to popularity two decades ago. Since then, the number has continued to fall thanks to continued awareness on the part of...

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Native American Tribes Are Being Destroyed By The Opioid Epidemic

Ring of Fire has been focusing on the epidemic of opioid addiction in an effort to bring to light the hundreds of thousands of American’s who have died as a result of Big Pharma’s push of these highly addictive pills all in the name of profits. According to a National Institute of Drug Abuse survey, Native American’s have seen an increase of nearly 3 times the opioid use in the last few years. Ring of Fire’s Sam Seder is joined by Tom Rodgers, an attorney and an enrolled member of the Blackfeet Tribe, to discuss the problem with opioids...

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Papantonio: Daily Death Tolls Caused By Big Pharma’s Opioid Epidemic

According to data by the Center for Disease Control, 91 Americans die every day from overdosing on opioids, in the form of both prescription drugs and drugs like heroin. But its that first class – prescription painkillers – that is a major cause for concern. America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talks about the painkiller epidemic brought upon by Big Pharma. Transcript of the above video: According to data by the Center for Disease Control, 91 Americans die every day from overdosing on opioids, in the form of both prescription drugs and drugs like heroin. But its that first class –...

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Despite Higher Risk of Abuse, those with Anxiety or Depression make up 51 Percent of Opioid Users

A new study that will be published July 5th in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine shows that 51 percent of opioid prescriptions written in the United States go to people with mood disorders like depression and anxiety. This news comes despite studies showing that those diagnosed with such mood disorders are far more likely to abuse opioids. However, they are far outpacing the general population when it comes to opioid prescriptions. The study found that only 5 percent of the US population uses prescription opioids, but if you have been diagnosed with a mood disorder,...

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