Search Results for: Chris Christie

Republican Warhawks’ Foreign Policy Blunders In The Spotlight After Iran Deal

The ink didn’t even have time to dry on the draft of the nuclear deal between the U.S., Iran, and 5 of our closest allied countries before the Republican presidential candidates began whining about the fact that President Obama is stronger on foreign policy than his predecessors. Republicans are furious about this deal because it completely destroys three of their major talking points. The first is that only Republicans can keep us safe, and that President Obama is a weak leader. He just did what no other US president has been able to do in three decades, and that...

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Why Immigration is the Key Platform Issue for Republicans This Year and What it Means

In the wake of last week’s tragic shooting of a San Francisco woman by an undocumented immigrant, front-running GOP candidate Donald (“The Duck”) Trump is fanning the flames of racism and xenophobia among his Republican base. His strategy is to use anti-immigrant hysteria in order to win the White House next year. Why does the issue of immigration resonate with the GOP base, and what will the GOP candidates be pushing this election cycle? The primary divide within the GOP on immigration is primarily between two factions. One faction consists of xenophobic populists (such as Trump and Cruz) who...

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Manna from Heaven; Trump and Jeb in Dead Heat

The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll shows that Republican presidential candidates Jeb Bush and Donald Trump are in a dead heat, with Bush in a miniscule lead. If these two are the frontrunners, the GOP hardly stands a chance in the 2016 presidential race. Any Democratic candidate should be able to easily beat either one. The Reuters/Ipsos poll has former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush polling at 16.1 percent. Trump, a billionaire real estate mogul, trails slightly at 15.8 percent. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie polled a distant third with 9.5 percent, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who was supposed to be...

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Republican Governor Forgets to Veto Bills He Ferociously Opposed – Now They Are Law

Republican Maine Gov. Paul LePage is just as incompetent as he is insane. By failing to veto 19 bills he disagreed with, those bills became state law. LePage attempted to use the pocket veto, a tactic where the executive leader sits on the bills until they automatically become null and void after a set period of time. That’s where LePage fumbled. Talking Points Memo noted that pocket vetoes in Maine only work “if the legislature has adjourned after the end of the second regular session.” This was not one of those times. LePage vehemently opposed many of the bills...

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What the GOP Candidates had to Say About the Same Sex Marriage Ruling

Ben Carson: “I call on Congress to make sure deeply held religious views are respected and protected. The government must never force Christians to violate their religious beliefs.” Bobby Jindal: “[Marriage was] established by God and no earthly court can alter that. [The decision] will pave the way for an all out assault against the religious freedom rights of Christians who disagree with this decision.” Carly Fiorina:  “I do not agree that the Court can or should redefine marriage. I believe that responsibility should have remained with states and voters where this conversation has continued in churches, town halls and living...

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