Search Results for: Chris Christie

Bernie Supporter Neil Young Tells Trump to Stop Using His Music

Popular culture hates Republicans, especially alternative pop culture. When Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president yesterday, he used Neil Young’s “Rockin’ in the Free World” to hype the crowd. Young didn’t take too kindly to it. “Donald Trump was not authorized to use ‘Rockin’ in the Free World’ in his presidential candidacy announcement,” said a statement from Young’s camp. “Neil Young, a Canadian citizen, is a supporter of Bernie Sanders for President of the United States.” According to Billboard, “Rockin’ in the Free World” is a protest song against George H.W. Bush’s administration and “how it did not...

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The Grey Old Party is Dying Off and Running Out of Leaders

The Republican presidential landscape looks terrible as many fringe and unpopular conservatives are running next year. Particularly, it’s mainly younger, newish Republicans looking to gain notoriety in some way or another. The problem here is that these new guys want to make as much crazy noise as possible. This problem is derived from something larger: the GOP is dying off, quite literally. The old white Republicans are becoming too old. What we’re left with are people like Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, the list goes on. Guardian columnist Jeb Lund brilliantly outlines this phenomenon using satire...

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Wall Street Thugs probably own and control your pension; AT RISK!

Recent data has shown that public workers’ pension systems paid Wall Street fees to the tune of $440 million in California, $600 million in New Jersey, and $700 million in Pennsylvania. But a recent report from CEM Benchmarking says that those figures are just a drop in the bucket. “Less than one-half of the very substantial costs incurred by US pension funds are currently being disclosed,” says CEM’s report. As Salon pointed out, about $270 billion of America’s public pension funds are invested in private equity firms. That money “generates roughly $5.4 billion in annual management fees” for the...

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GOP In Trouble In 2016

With the 2014 midterms in the rearview mirror, Republicans are already looking ahead to the 2016 presidential elections. The only problem is that there top-tier candidates like Chris Christie and John Kasich are facing massive probes for their unsavory conduct. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins talks about all of the problems the GOP has in the run-up to 2016 with attorney Howard Nations. Support Ring of Fire by subscribing to our YouTube channel. Listen to Ring of Fire on Saturdays from 3pm-6pm Eastern! Listen live via the Progressive Voices Channel on TuneIn. Or find a station here. Watch Ring...

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Wall Street Firms Have Been Using Our Pensions to Turn a Profit

Wall Street’s reach is vast and extends deeply into nearly every aspect of American life: the products we consume, the politicians we vote for, and the information we consume. The most ghastly hustle is Wall Street targeting up to $3 trillion in unguarded government pensions, reported The Intercept. According to The Intercept, the states of Illinois, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island recently elected governors who were all once executives and directors at investment firms that managed state pension funds. This allows those firms to be uncomfortably close to these states’ pension funds; close enough to take that money and plug...

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