Search Results for: Chris Christie

House Committee Demands Proof From GOP Govs Who Rejected Medicaid Expansions

Earlier this week, Democrats on the House Oversight Committee sent letters to Republican governors who rejected the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion, asking them to explain their reasoning. Ranking committee member Elijah Cummings (D-MD) wrote the letters requesting documents to explain the expansion rejection to Rick Perry (TX), Rick Scott (FL), and Pat McCrory (NC). In the letter to Gov. Perry, Cummings explained that “Congress offered to pay 100% of [the expanded Medicaid costs] for the first three years, declining to 90% by 2020, with states only paying 10% of these costs.” He also said that “Republican governors who...

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Firms Backing GOP Received Over $1 Billion in New Jersey Public Funds

Being a Republican donor in New Jersey apparently comes with billions of benefits, a report released today shows. Companies that donated to the Republican Governors Association, chaired by Chris Christie, and other GOP campaigns have received almost $1.25 billion in public funding deals in less two years from the Christie administration. A review by The Guardian of the “30 biggest corporate subsidies awarded by the state of New Jersey since Christie appointed one of his closest allies as head of the state’s ‘bank for business’ found that 21 went to ventures involving firms that made significant donations to Republicans,...

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Tesla to Become Most American Car, Beating Ford

Tesla is on its way to producing the most American vehicle. The American automaker is projected to beat out the Ford F-150 for metrics that include the source of parts, assembly and the point of sale. Currently Ford holds the title of Most-American Car with its F-150. The car currently scores a 75%. Morgan Stanley projects that with the arrival of Tesla’s gigafactory and the production of its own batteries, the manufacturer will soon produce vehicles that score 90% on the American-Made index. The gigafactory is an ambitious project from Tesla and its CEO, Elon Musk. According to the...

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Jeb Bush’s Ugly Record On Minorities Back In The Spotlight

This past Friday, Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio appeared on MSNBC’s The Ed Show to discuss the GOP’s latest attempt to rebrand themselves.  In a series of new ads, the Republican Party recruited Jeb Bush and Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal to appear as the “new” face of the Party, ignoring the fact that both Bush and Jindal are old school members of the Grand OLD Party. During the segment (which can be viewed here), Papantonio brought up an issue that outraged conservatives: Jeb Bush’s history of anti-minority statements.  Conservative trolls took to Twitter to attack Papantonio’s claims, refusing to...

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Papantonio: Fall of GOP Golden Boys (VIDEO)

This segment originally aired on the February 9th, 2014 episode of Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV. It seems like almost every day new information emerges about the Chris Christie scandal, and its starting to take its toll on the governor and the Republican Party. Ring of Fire’s Mike Papantonio discusses the impact this has on the GOP with attorney David...

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