Search Results for: Chris Christie

5 Things Democrats Need in Order To Win in 2014

1. Kill the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a dangerous trade deal negotiated between Obama and American corporations. Often called “NAFTA on steroids” or a “corporate Trojan horse,” the TPP basically grants corporations their own sovereign powers and governmental protections. What’s worse, is that these negotiations have been done in secret from the public and even Congress, which has angered many politicians on Capitol Hill. Interestingly, progressives and Tea Partiers have found a common enemy in the TPP. Democrats are unhappy with Obama in this instance because the president excluded his own party from draft negotiations...

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5 Reasons the GOP is Screwed in 2014

The Republicans are looking to realign the party’s politics and image as the 2014 mid-term draws near. To call 2013 lackluster for the GOP would be a severe understatement. They have invoked one scandal after another in attempt to discredit the president. Each one has backfired, further damaging the Republicans’ image and credibility. They are preparing for a new year, hopeful, but 2014 doesn’t look like it will be any better. 1. The GOP is Riddled With Scandal and Crime The Republicans have wallowed in scandal and crime. The Bridgegate Scandal involving New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s top aide...

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This Week’s Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV!

This week’s Ring of Fire, hosted by Mike Papantonio: Sundays at 12pm Eastern, 9am Pacific.  Full schedule of rebroadcasts can be found at This week on Ring of Fire on Free Speech TV: Attorney Joe Cotchett will talk about the need for a renewed fight against poverty in America. Author Michael T. Klare will debunk the energy industry’s claims that peak oil is a myth. Attorney Howard Nations will tell us about the rise of “workplace loans,” and how they trap employees. And Ring of Fire co-host Sam Seder will be here to talk about the Chris Christie...

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Republican Presidential Hopefuls Courting Romney Campaign Donors

Prospective Republican candidates for the 2016 presidential elections are quietly networking with senior members of Mitt Romney’s donors. Even though his presidential bid ultimately fell short, Romney’s fundraising campaign was considered a great success. The election is still three years away, yet Romney’s “fundraising lieutenants – some new to national politics and others well-entrenched political players – are beginning to look for a new home as the potential field of Republican presidential candidates grows,” according to the Associated Press. Republican hopefuls are “aggressively seeking face time” with former Romney campaign donors at meet-and-greet events across the country. Romney’s campaign...

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Hurricane Insurance is Grossly Overpriced

So, here’s the question: How many on the Gulf and the Atlantic Coasts feel that their hurricane insurance premiums are at the levels they should be? Let’s put it another way, how many people feel that they are paying too much for their hurricane insurance? There is little doubt the folks along the Gulf Coast are paying too much and getting too little in return, especially after we get hit by a hurricane. We now have to include the recently very dangerous Atlantic Coast. The northeast coast was hit so badly by Hurricane Sandy they can barely hold their...

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