Search Results for: glyphosate

NEW Monsanto Documents May Point To Criminality – The Big Picture

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via The Big Picture RT: Mike Papantonio, America’s Lawyer (RT America)/Ring of Fire Radio/Law and Disorder. Did Monsanto collude with journalists to mislead the public about its weedkiller Roundup? According to Mike Papantonio – Shocking new documents suggest they did. Transcript of the above video: Hartmann: Monsanto appears to have been caught red-handed. Series of documents released earlier this week as part of a lawsuit show that the company has been colluding with both journalists and government scientists to spread positive misinformation about its weedkiller Roundup, which contains glyphosate, a chemical...

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Monsanto’s Poison Roundup Now Under Full Attack In Some States – America’s Lawyer

To learn more about this topic, visit AL.Law Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio speaks to Farron Cousins, Executive Editor of The Trial Lawyer Magazine, about California’s battle against Monsanto’s cancer causing Roundup. Transcript of the above video: Papantonio: The state of California took action against the toxic profiteering of Monsanto by putting glyphosate on its list of cancer-causing chemicals just last week. This happened after the state Supreme Court denied an appeal for Monsanto to delay the decision, which was made by the state’s environmental office two years ago. Joining me now to talk more about this is Farron...

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Papantonio: Monsanto Knowingly Sold Human Carcinogen To Consumers

Environmental lawyers have begun filing lawsuits against Monsanto for cancer deaths related to their product Roundup. America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio talks about how these lawsuits show an effort both on the part of Monsanto and the US government to minimize the message about the dangers of Roundup in relation to human cancer. Learn more about Roundup dangers here. Transcript of the above video: Environmental lawyers have begun filing lawsuits against Monsanto for cancer deaths related to their product Roundup. What these lawsuits are uncovering shows an effort both on the part of Monsanto and the US government to minimize...

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Monsanto’s Troll Army Includes Reuters Reporter

Monsanto lost a key legal battle that may end with RoundUp being labeled as cancer-causing. However, they continue to wage an unprecedented war on the truth. Ring of Fire’s Josh Gay weighs in. Just last week a California judge ruled that glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s herbicide RoundUp will be added to the state’s Proposition 65 list of carcinogenic chemicals. The state is saying that the amount of the chemical that can be handled safely is 100 times lower than the EPA’s levels. If you have been following the story, the fact that the EPA doesn’t take glyphosate...

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RoundUp Listed as Carcinogen By California – Could Other Monsanto Products Be Next?

Earlier this week, The Ring of Fire brought you a story about the most recent court ruling against Monsanto in its ongoing legal battle against the State of California regarding glyphosate, the active ingredient in its controversial herbicide, Roundup. Since the end of March, the agribusiness juggernaut has been fighting to keep glyphosate off the list of “chemicals known to cause cancer” by California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). This week, the OEHHA announced that beginning July 7th, in accordance with California Proposition 65, glyphosate will be added to the list and the information will displayed on...

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