Search Results for: glyphosate

Dow Chemical: On A Path To Poison The World – America’s Lawyer

Via America’s Lawyer: Mike Papantonio talks to Stephanie Parent, Senior Attorney at the Center for Biological Diversity about how Dow Chemical is putting pressure on the Trump Administration to ignore government studies on the dangers of certain pesticides. Transcript of the above video: Papantonio: Last month, attorneys for the chemical giant Dow sent letters to the heads of three government agencies. These letters requested that the Trump administration completely ignore the findings of government scientists concerning a group of pesticides found to be harmful to nearly 1800 critically threatened or endangered species. This request came just weeks after the...

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Monsanto at it Again – US Toxicologist Slams EU Commission for Ignoring Roundup’s Link to Cancer

It seems that each and every week we find out more and more about the extreme measures Monsanto has gone to in order to keep the cancer risk of the weed killer glyphosate hidden. This time it is the EU food safety and chemical agencies that overlooked the likelihood that the active ingredient in Roundup is carcinogenic. Instead of independently reviewing data, two key European agencies relied on studies conducted by glyphosate manufacturers. Christopher Portier, former associate director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) wrote a letter, dated May 28, to EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker...

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Roundup is Not the First of Monsanto’s Legal Troubles

You have probably seen that The Ring of Fire and Mike Papantonio of America’s Lawyer have covered Monsanto extensively lately for newly exposed court documents detailing the chemical giant’s dastardly efforts to deceive the public about their deadly products, especially Roundup, the best-selling weed-killer in the world. While Monsanto continues to face harsh allegations, their products continue to fly off the shelves. However, Roundup is hardly the first time Monsanto has come under fire for their products. The company has a long history of churning deadly chemicals out to the masses and has gone to extreme lengths to cover up...

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Monsanto Hires Internet Trolls & Fakes Science to Cover Up Roundup’s Cancer Risk

Internet trolls, paid for by Monsanto, have been scouring the internet to hide the ugly truth about the herbicide Roundup and the dangers of glyphosate, while the chemical giant worked with government regulators to declare the product safe to use, even though it “probably” causes cancer. According to court documents, Monsanto hired third parties to search out negative comments about their products and counter them with pseudo-scientific research commissioned by the company itself. Mike Papantonio, of America’s Lawyer, predicts that Monsanto will pay heavily in a jury trial and describes how the company even has trolled The Ring of Fire, while manipulating...

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Monsanto Hires Internet Trolls & Fakes Science to Cover Up Roundup’s Cancer Risk

Internet trolls, paid for by Monsanto, have been scouring the internet to hide the ugly truth about the herbicide Roundup and the dangers of glyphosate, while the chemical giant worked with government regulators to declare the product safe to use, even though it “probably” causes cancer. According to court documents, Monsanto hired third parties to search out negative comments about their products and counter them with pseudo-scientific research commissioned by the company itself. Mike Papantonio, of America’s Lawyer, predicts that Monsanto will pay heavily in a jury trial and describes how the company even has trolled The Ring of Fire, while manipulating...

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