Search Results for: glyphosate

Monsanto On Trial For Crimes Against Humanity

There was a major event involving Monsanto and products such as Roundup and Agent Orange over the past weekend that got virtually no mention in the U.S. corporate media. On Friday, October 16th, a group of thirty farmers, scientists, activists and legal experts gathered in The Hague, Netherlands for the purpose of putting the transnational corporate agribusiness giant on trial for “crimes against nature and humanity” as well as charges of “ecocide.” The tribunal, which was announced in Paris last December, included representatives of organizations such as the Organic Consumers Association, Regeneration International and Millions Against Monsanto. The group...

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The Cancerous Dangers of Monsanto’s RoundUp

News has been buzzing about Monsanto’s RoundUp now that the truth is finally available to the public about the chemical’s deadly properties. America’s Lawyer, Mike Papantonio, discusses the dangers with Thom Hartmann. For detailed information, visit Monsanto Roundup Litigation. Transcript of the above video: Thom: Earlier this month the EPA posted, then retracted a study connecting glyphosate, if I’m pronouncing that right, an ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide to cancer. The world health organization has already labeled glyphosate a probable carcinogen. Why did the EPA retract their study? Mike: Because the EPA is just like the FDA. There has...

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It’s About Time – The FDA Will Begin Testing Our Food For Glysophate

As reported on Huffington Post and Ecowatch, the Food and Drug Administration has discovered traces of glysophate – the active ingredient in the pesticide Roundup – in honey produced in the US. In some samples, the amount of glysophate was twice the level legally allowed under European Union regulations. The only way we know this is because the advocacy group Right to Know filed a request under the Freedom of Information Act. Aside from offering a possible explanation of what is happening to all the bees, the release of this information may prove to be yet another nail in...

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One Cancer Victim’s Roundup Story

Global corporate behemoth and villain Monsanto continues to insist that its flagship product, Roundup, is “safe enough to drink” (despite the fact that one of their executives refused to drink it when offered a glass of the product). Company representatives insist that the growing body of scientific evidence of Roundup’s carcinogenicity is “unproven.” Christine Sheppard begs to differ. Christine and her husband, Kenneth, who immigrated from the U.K., came to the U.S. with dreams of owning a coffee farm. Eventually, the Sheppards realized their dream. They were able to purchase a coffee plantation located near the western shore of...

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Roundup Weed Killer Declared Cancer Causing by Agency of World Health Organization

Monsanto’s Roundup has been linked to a myriad of health issues ranging from cancers to neurological defects to infertility. Still, we’re pouring 100 million tons of this toxin into the environment every year. America’s Lawyer Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss the dangers that Monsanto is hiding from the public. Transcript of Video: Mike: Farron, you started your career as a journalist actually working as the editor for a broadly distributed magazine called National Trial Lawyer Magazine. It goes to tens of thousands of attorneys throughout the country. One of the stories that’s emerging out of there is this...

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